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Antonio Cañas Vargas edited this page Dec 4, 2021 · 1 revision

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Information about center

The CENTER > Information option displays a table with basic information about the selected center, automatically generated, with the following items:

  • Logo. Logo of the center. Editable by center administrators, institution administrators and system administrators:
    • Mandatory file format: png.
    • Recommended background: transparent.
    • Mandatory image resolution: 64x64 pixels.
  • Institution. Institution to which the center belongs. Editable by system administrators.
  • Center. Full name of the center. Editable by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Short name. Short name of the center. Editable by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Place. Place (city, headquarters) to which the center belongs. Selectable from a drop-down list of places by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Latitude. In decimal degrees (real number between -90 and +90). Editable by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Length. In decimal degrees (real number between -180 and +180). Editable by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Altitude. In meters (real number between -413.0 and 8848). Editable by institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Web. Link to the external website of the center. Editable by center administrators, institution administrators and system administrators.
  • Shortcut. Direct link to the center inside SWAD. You can copy this link and put it in an external web page to enter directly to the center.
  • Users of the center. Current number of users who claim to belong to the center.
  • Degrees. Current number of degrees in the center.
  • Courses. Current number of courses in the center.
  • Teachers. Current number of teachers registered in the courses of the center.
  • Non-editing teachers. Current number of non-editing teachers registered in the courses of the center.
  • Students. Current number of students registered in the courses of the center.
  • Users in courses. Current number of users registered in the courses of the center.
  • Map. Map of the area where the center is located. Only shown if administrators have entered latitude and longitude.
  • Photo. Photo of the center. Editable by center administrators, institution administrators and system administrators:
    • Recommended file format: jpg.
    • Recommended aspect ratio: 3:2.
    • Recommended resolution: 768x512 pixels or higher.
  • Photo attribution. Text with photo attribution. Editable by center administrators, institution administrators and system administrators.

The Print icon at the top left of the box shows a printable version of this table, including a QR code associated to the center. The Logo icon at the top left of the box allows uploading a new logo for the center. The Photo icon at the top left of the box allows uploading a new photo for the center.

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