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Antonio Cañas Vargas edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 1 revision

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In ANALYTICS > Surveys teachers and administrators can create anonymous surveys for students or teachers.

If you are inside a course, you can choose to list either the surveys for the groups to which you belong (Only my groups) or all the surveys for the course (All groups).

New survey

To create a new survey, you must click on the New survey icon (plus sign) at the top left of the box or the button New survey. A form appears with the following fields:

  • Scope. Users who will see the survey.
  • Title. A title for the survey.
  • Start date. Date and time when the survey will begin to be available.
  • End date. Date and time when the survey will be unavailable.
  • Description. Optional brief description about the survey.
  • Users. Roles of users who will see the survey (not exclusive):
    • students
    • teachers
  • Groups. Only if the scope is course. Users from the course who will see the survey:
    • Any user from the whole course
    • Only users from selected groups

When you fill in the fields, you must press the button Create survey. The new survey will be listed.

Edit survey

To remove an existing survey, click on the Remove icon (red bin). To effectively remove the survey you will have to confirm the deletion by clicking on the Remove survey button.

To reset the voting of an existing survey, click on the Reset icon (recycle symbol). To effectively reset the survey you will have to confirm the reset by clicking on the Reset survey button.

To hide an existing survey, click on the Hide icon (eye). To unhide a hidden survey, click the Unhide icon (strikethrough eye).

To edit an existing survey, click on the Edit icon. A form identical to the one for creating a new survey will appear. When the editing is finished, click on the Save changes button.


To add questions to the survey, you must click on the survey title to view the survey. Then you must click on the New question icon (plus sign) at the top left of the box Questions or the button New question. A form appears with the following fields:

  • Stem. Wording of the question.
  • Type:
    • Unique choice
    • Multiple choice
  • Answers. 1 to 10 optional answers.

When you fill in the fields, you must press the button Create question.

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