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Hannes Elvemyr edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

Fortnox API is not perfect. There are a couple of things to take into consideration when using it.

Good to know


If you create a new Article, the SalesAccount will default to the default sales account set in the Fortnox settings. An interesting thing though is that this account might not exist in the chart of accounts. Therefore, this strange thing can happen (requests and responses below are the raw HTTP requests/responses):

  1. You create an new Article via the API: '{"Article":{"Description":"A value","SalesAccount":1250}}' and you get an Article back that has SalesAccount set: '{"Article":{"Description":"A Value", "SalesAccount":1250, "PurchaseAccount":4000, ...}}'.
  2. You try to update the newly created Article with '{"Article":{"Description":"Updated description"}}' and you get this back: '{"ErrorInformation":{"error":1,"message":"Inköpskonto inte uppdaterat. Kontot \"4000\" existerar inte. (PurchaseAccount)", ...}}'

We haven't even touched the SalesAccount but you still get an error. So the account that the API says that the Article has does not necessarily need to exist in "reality"...


Legacy types

Not all HouseWorkTypes available are possible to use when creating a new Order or Invoice. For instance, creating an OrderRow with HouseWorkType set to COOKING returns:

Skattereduktion för en av de valda husarbetestyperna har upphört.

Unfortunately, their documentation does not tell you which types are deprecated... In fact, the deprecated types are simply removed from their documentation, so if you fetch an old Order/Invoice, you have no clue what HouseWorkType can be set to! There are two constants available in the gem: CURRENT_HOUSEWORK_TYPES and LEGACY_HOUSEWORK_TYPES, but we cannot guarantee that they are up to date and that they include all possible values.


Another weird thing is that the option OTHERCOSTS is not allowed to be combined with HouseWork attribute. Yes, that is true...

VAT on Invoices and Orders rows

If you create an Invoice with the following data:

$ curl -X "POST" "" \
>      (credentials...)
>      -d $'{
>        "Invoice": {
>          "CustomerNumber": "188",
>            "InvoiceRows": [
>            {
>              "ArticleNumber": "1",
>              "DeliveredQuantity": "10.00",
>              "VAT": "25"
>            }
>            ]
>        }
>      }'

You get the following when you query the created Invoice:


Notice that the Price and PriceExcludingVAT have the exact same amount. The same goes for Total and TotalExcludingVAT. Strange, right? The VAT is set to 25%.

It works like this: Invoice (and Order) has a VATIncluded attribute. If it is set to true, Price and Total will be VAT included and PriceExcludingVAT and TotalExcludingVAT will obviously be VAT excluded. BUT if you set VATIncluded to false, all those attributes will be VAT exclusive and none inclusive. If you want to know the VAT for each row, then you have to calculate it yourself! I have suggested to Fortnox to fix this wierd logic by adding a TotalVAT and PriceWithVAT that always holds the VAT amount. Then Price and Total can be VAT included/excluded depending on the value of VATIncluded. Fortnox said they will add this to their to do list...

Dependent attributes

Some attributes depends on other attributes.


Discount have two different limits depending on DiscountType. Calling Fortnox with


gives an InvoiceRow with "Discount":12,"DiscountType":"PERCENT"

Calling Fortnox with



       Ogiltig rabatt. Får inte överstiga 100 %


Type of attribute DocumentNumber

Customer attribute DocumentNumber can be both an Integer and a String according to Fortnox... See #78.

Default values for Date attributes

The default values for date attributes from Fortnox API can be either an empty string or null. Fortnox is working on the issue. See #79.

Strange error messages

InternalError when creating Order without OrderRows

Creating an Order without OrderRows returns InternalError. Fortnox is working on this issue. See #84.

Kunde inte hitta konto.

If you create an Order or Invoice with an OrderRow/InvoiceRow without both ArticleNumber and AccountNumber Fortnox gives you this splendid message:

Kunde inte hitta konto.

I think you can set a default account number for rows.

Fortnox rewrites attributes


This model has a code attribute. 30days is a valid attribute value, but the API rewrites this as 30DAYS and a GET request with 30days will return Not Found. This is not documented anywhere...

Not documented limitations


The code attribute has no limits according to the documentations, but when sending 30 days to the API, you get an error saying that the value must be alphanumeric.

Row description

The row description for Invoice (and I guess for Offer and Order as well) has a limit of 255 characters.


Customer's SalesAccount attribute

If you create a Customer with the following JSON payload, with SalesAccount as a string just like the documentation says it should be

{"Customer":{"Name":"Customer with Sales Account","SalesAccount":"3001"}}

Fortnox returns SalesAccount as an integer...

{"Customer":{"@url":"https:\/\/\/3\/customers\/242",..., "SalesAccount":3001}}

When you then fetch the same Customer you just created, you get the SalesAccount as a string

{"Customer": "@url":"https:\/\/\/3\/customers\/242", ..., "SalesAccount":"3001"}}