This is a project for demonstrating and testing Kafka, Spark and Spark Streaming using JVision log messages. This project consume cpu_mem json messages from Kafka using Spark Streaming and then create minimum, maximum & average for HeapInfo for sources supplied in input data (e.g. Kernel, LAN buffer etc.). For each Spark Stream batch duration, calculated results are finally inserted into Cassandra database., which can be used to visualize that data through some UI application. Bigger interval results (e.g. 5 min, 1 hr.) are calculated using Spark Batch.
Clone the project and download on your machine
git clone
Compile the code using sbt:
% sbt assembly
Create tables in your Cassandra database using createtables.cql
Setup properties files to use the correct URLs and tables for your deployment
To run Streaming Demo, you can use scripts. To run Batch Demo, you can use scripts.
Note: You can use KafkaJsonProducer from JunosIQStream project to create a stream of test Json messages for testing purpose.