This is the script to crawl the player data on [WCL TW region] for World of Warcraft classic TBC, should also works with other regions.
You can find this UI [WCLRanks on CurseForge].
These scripts run on Ubuntu Jammy(22.04) server, so all commands and scripts all run under Ubuntu Linux server.
Not sure how many packages need to be installed, I try to list them all. Please file bugs or send me pull-request to complement the list.
sudo apt install git python3 python3-tqdm python3-requests
First of all you have to clone the UI part from my repo, [WCLRanks], to another name, and then delete the Data
folder and commit the change.
Setup your own project on CurseForge and push the code to github or somewhere else. And then add the source tree in Manage Project -> Source
and select Automatic Packaging -> Package tagged commits
(you may want to do this after all have been set).
Create you own client API key from [here], and put the client id and secret in
client_id = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
client_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Edit server/
and add the server id, server name, and the user id and/or guild name which you want to retrive reports from.
server_data = {
"name" : "SERVER_NAME",
"userlist" : ["USER1_ID", "USER2_ID", "USER3_ID"],
"guildlist": ["GUILD1_NAME", "GUILD2_NAME", "GUILD3_NAME"]
"5053": { # an real example
"name" : "瑪拉頓",
"userlist" : ["1396448", "1254127", "1284707", "1506151","1217075","1033941", "1510869", "1516388", "994406", "1644080", "1100596", "1679238", "1592486", "459700"],
"guildlist": ["無與倫比的自由", "QAQ", "老兄村", "One Piece", "CTR", "末日天使", "Pallas", "淘金(G)團", "Nemesis", "啾尼爾", "SoF", "我只會心疼哥哥", " 黑手別黑本阿會長說我們只>收歐洲人不收非洲人", " 自由殿堂", "IMBA", "信董爽歪歪", "黑玫瑰", "糕餅舖", "輪迴夢境", "镶金玫瑰", "傲雪紛飛"]
after the user and guild list have been set, it generates directories to contains the info of the servers. You need to run this script everytime you add/modify the userlist and/or guildlist.
Just run
, it generates Data
directory and put all the data there.
Be aware of the rate limit and the points you spent while retriving data. You can check it from the bottom of the [profile] page.
You may consider to [subscribe] warcraftlogs for $2 per month to get 10 times of the points if your region includes too many servers to retrive all the data in one day.
Make sure the WCLRanks
directory is properly set to WCLRanks_path
and TOC filename set to WCLRanks_toc
in the file
, and then run
, it copies Data
to WCLRanks
folder, bumps UI version in TOC file, and do git commit and tag to the repo.
The toc file, WCLRanks.toc
, for WCLRanks
is in this project, make the eodification on the WCLRanks.toc
in this repo if you want to update the TOC info.
updates the version in WCLRanks.toc
and copy it to WCLRanks
Be aware of that you need to change the WCLRanks
folder name and TOC filename to your project name and make sure the new folder name is written in WCLRanks_path
and WCLRanks_toc
Confirmed you have no issue running
, then you can put them into cron job and run them at regular time.
0 2 * * * (cd /home/acelan/wow/wcl_ant; ./ > wcl_ant.log)
0 14 * * * (cd /home/acelan/wow/wcl_ant; ./ >> wcl_ant.log)
And if you didn't setup "Automatic Packaging" yet, now it's the time.