An internal API for a fake financial institution that enables transfers and account creation
Clean Architecture (.Net core 5.0).
Code Structure
- #API
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Api (API Endpoint)
- #Core
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Application (Application Logic - implemented in the features folder)
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Domain (Database Model)
- #Infrastructure
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Identity (Auth0 Authentication Implementation)
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Infrastructure (Logging, Mail e.t.c...)
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Persitence (Database Repository, dbcontext and logic)
- FakeBank.BankAPI.IntegrationTests
- FakeBank.BankAPI.UnitTests
# FakeBank.BankAPI.API
- Swagger for API documentation
- Mediatr - sends a request to the application logic via Irequest Handler
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Application
- Automapper
- FluentValidation - Api requests validations
- Mediatr - Receives requests from the API and carries out appropriate implementation
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Domain
- Ef core
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Identity
- Auth0
- Jwt
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Infrastructure
- SendGrid
- Serilog for logging
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Persitence
- Ef Core
# FakeBank.BankAPI.IntegrationTests
- xunit
- Ef Core inmemory
# FakeBank.BankAPI.UnitTests
- Xunit
- Moq
- Shouldly
# Payload
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"client_id": "tGgB4XhOVzTIESMteqrNCTXKAYpTkIhC" ,
"client_secret": "81xJ2XgiM3YG1BQVR-_ZaFCk2Y4bAZ8uU0v73xJBgMIzAR3S4ASikAaY-TIQ5L9z",
"audience": ""
pass the access token returned from the API as bearer token
Ensure that the Swagger XML File is present in the specified bin folder the app is running (i.e).
# FakeBank.BankAPI.API should have a
- FakeBank.BankAPI.API.XML file in the bin\Debug\net5.0 folder
# FakeBank.BankAPI.Application should have a
- FakeBank.BankAPI.Application .XML file in the bin\Debug\net5.0 folder
This XML files where generated to aid swagger documentation and better visualization of what the API does