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Ignoramos: A static-site generator

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Getting started

~ $ gem install ignoramos
~ $ ignoramos new mysite

The new command will create a directory with the name provided and the directory structure below.

Directory structure

├── _config.yml
├── _drafts
|   ├──
|   └──
├── _includes
|   ├── footer.html
|   └── header.html
├── _layouts
|   ├── default.html
|   └── post.html
├── _posts
|   ├──
|   └──
└── _site
    └── <point web root here>
~ $ ignoramos build

The build command is expected to be run at the root directory of the application. It will generate all posts in the _posts directory and copy every file not prefixed with _ into _site.

How posts are built

  • Load the markdown file
  • Parse the post for YAML to determine layout
  • Render layout as content
  • Render liquid layout (header, footer, content)

After all posts and pages are generated, all remaining files that are not from a folder prefixed with _ will be copied over to _site. Custom files take precedence, so if your files conflict with generated ones, yours will overwrite the generated file.


Currently, the only external microblogging platform that is supported is Twitter:

~ $ ignoramos tweet "hello world #testing"

This command will post to twitter and create a micro blog in your _posts directory with filename: tweet-#{twitter_id}.md with the following contents:

title: tweet 526064479298396163
timestamp: 2014-10-25T13:35:20-04:00
layout: tweet

hello world #testing

Available options:

  • -m <media path>: Attach a media file and consolidate the file into /img/tweets/#{tweet_id}-filename.ext
  • `-i : Import an existing tweet

Similarly, you can import existing tweets into your blog after the fact:

~ $ ignoramos tweet -i 526064479298396163

It is them up to your theme to support the tweet layout and optionally use the tweet variable to link back to Twitter.

For an example of tweets in action, see the achan/amoschan theme.