This is a sample application that provides a comprehensive demonstration of tracking life transactions to help users understand or remember where their money is spent and where it comes from. The app comes with intuitive visualization(You will find the front end in my github repo) tools to enable users to get a clear picture of their expenses/incomes and make informed decisions.
This is a simple web application that exposes a REST API. This application uses Maven as the build tool and the current LTS version of Java, 17. I hope to add more functionality to this application in the future but for now this project uses the following dependencies:
- Spring Web
- Spring Data JDBC
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- MySQL Database
- Hibernate
- Lombok
- Hikari
- Jakarta Validation
You need to download :
- Apache-Tomcat 10, required for spring-boot 3.0.0
- Change the packaging from JAR to WAR
- Run :
./mvnw clean install
- Change directory to :/target
- Copy the war file and past it to your-tomcat-directory/webapps
- Change directory to : your-tomcat-directory/bin
- In command line run the following
catalina.bat run
You can run this application from your favorite IDE or by running the following command:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
If you want to build an artifact that can be used in production: this application uses JAR
as the
packaging type. This means that you can run the following command to create something that is ready to be used in production.
./mvnw clean package install
To test the api endpoints the live version, you can use this swagger documentation UI :
Api Documentation Test
"Bring your code, RAILWAY will handle the rest. Made for any language, for projects big and small. Railway is the cloud that takes the complexity out of shipping software." I'm not promoting/affiliate but I like to use it
If you want to deploy your code for free, instead of using aws, google engines or azure you can use Railway, 500H for free.
Create a new empty project in Railway and start by creating a MySQL database. Once you have that created you can create a new project from GitHub. You can use the following environment variables based on the database you just created.
You don't need GitHub Actions or any type of pipeline for this setup because Railway handles this for you. Simply push your code to GitHub and a new build and deploy will be triggered. If you want to disable this functionality you can from the settings of your project on Railway.