Telegram group for this repo
Web client
Plebchan is a serverless, adminless, decentralized 4chan alternative where any pleb can create and own unlimited boards. All data comes from the plebbit protocol, it's all text including links from which media is embedded, shared peer-to-peer. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community.
- Install Node v18 (Download from
- Install Yarn:
npm install -g yarn
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
to install Plebchan dependenciesyarn start
to run the web client
- Web client:
yarn start
- Electron client (must start web client first):
yarn electron
- Electron client and don't delete data:
yarn electron:no-delete-data
- Web client and electron client:
yarn electron:start
- Web client and electron client and don't delete data:
yarn electron:start:no-delete-data
The linux/windows/mac/android build scripts are in