Proxies incoming HTTP and TLS connections based on the hostname contained in the initial request. This enables HTTPS name based virtual hosting to seperate backend servers without the installing the private key on the proxy machine.
- Namebased proxying of HTTPS without decrypting traffic. No keys or certificates required.
- Supports TLS and HTTP
- Supports IPv4, IPv6 and Unix domain sockets for both back end servers and listeners.
- Supports multiple listening sockets per instance.
Usage: sni_proxy [-c <config>] [-f]
-c configruation file, defaults to /etc/sni_proxy.conf
-f run in foreground, do not drop privileges
./ && ./configure && make install
user daemon
listener 443 {
protocol tls
table "TableName"
table "TableName" {
# Match exact request hostnames 4343 2001:DB8::1:10 443
# Or use PCRE to match
.*\\.com 2001:DB8::1:11 443
# Combining PCRE and wildchard will resolve the hostname client requested and proxy to it
.*\\.edu * 443