Easily create markdown tables in your Javascript applications.
- Input data format agnostic
- Array of arrays
- Array of objects
- Support for several markdown flavors
- Simple tables
- Multiline tables
- Grid tables
- Pipe tables
- Column alignment
- Custom headers
- Optional caption
As command line tool:
npm install --global tabledown
As module:
npm install --save tabledown
echo '[{"name": "John", "age": 32}, {"name": "Anna", "age": 27}]' | tabledown
name | age
John | 32
Anna | 27
import Tabledown from 'tabledown'
const food = [
name: 'banana',
color: 'yellow',
price: 3.23,
quantity: 2,
name: 'tomato',
color: 'red',
price: 2.67,
quantity: 6,
const table = new Tabledown({data: food})
name | color | price | quantity
banana | yellow | 3.23 | 2
tomato | red | 2.67 | 6
import Tabledown from 'tabledown'
const food = [
name: 'banana',
color: 'yellow',
price: 3.23,
quantity: 2,
name: 'tomato',
color: 'red',
price: 2.67,
quantity: 6,
name: 'cucumber',
color: 'green',
price: 5.82,
quantity: 4,
name: 'carrot',
color: 'orange',
price: 3,
quantity: 9,
const table = new Tabledown({
caption: 'Food',
data: food,
alignments: {
name: 'left',
color: 'right',
price: 'decimal mark', // Not yet implemented
quantity: 'center',
headerTexts: {
name: 'the Fruit',
color: 'the Color',
price: 'the Price (€)',
quantity: 'the Quantity',
style: 'pipe', // or simple, multiline, grid (not yet implemented)
capitalizeHeaders: true,
Table: Food
The Fruit | The Color | The Price (€) | The Quantity
banana | yellow | 3.23 | 2
tomato | red | 2.5 | 6
cucumber | green | 5.82 | 4
carrot | orange | 12 | 9
The data can also be provided as an array. The first sub-array must contain the headers.
const food = [
['name', 'color', 'price', 'quantity'],
['banana', 'yellow', 3.23, 2 ],
['tomato', 'red', 2.5 , 6 ],
['cucumber', 'green', 5.82, 4 ],
['carrot', 'orange', 12, 9 ],
const table = new Tabledown({data: food})