DualWan implementation for old models. This useful for follover second internet connection when first is broken
Inspired by article: https://www.securityforrealpeople.com/2015/08/cron-on-asus.html
- Turn on ssh access in your asus router
- Connect by SSH to router
- Copy cron files to your JFFS folder
- Setup file variables in file check_and_swap_wan.sh
- Install autocopy cron tab: 5.1 nvram set jffs2_exec="/jffs/autostart.sh" 5.2 nvram commit
- Epic fail: you can't run cron job on asus router witout merlin firmware((((((((((((
I emulate cron from raspberry pi CRON with command like "ssh -p 1234 admin@ /jffs/check_and_swap_wan.sh"