CurieBot is a small wheeled robot that runs on Arduino 101 board using the three layer robot platform with MotorShield.
These example sketches include:
Ada_CurieBot_RC - drive the bot using the Bluefruit LE app
Ada_CurieBot_RC_ButtonSpeed - drive and control speed with Bluefruit LE app
Ada_CurieBot_RC_CandyServo - drive and deliver candy with Bluefruit LE app
Ada_CurieBot_RC_NeoPixels - drive and control stylin' under glow color with Bluefruit LE app
Ada_CurieBot_RC_PotSpeed - drive with Bluefruit LE app, control speed with a potetiometer
Ada_CurieBot_RC_Song - drive and trigger a song using the Bluefruit LE app
Ada_CurieBot_distanceSensor - autonomous mode! CurieBot will drive and avoid obstacles using IR distance sensors