This library includes some kind of digital styled font drawer. They're not TTF files or something. They just draw fonts with CoreGraphics. So, you don't need to worry about redistribution license of font files when you release your application.
supporting A-Z, 0-9
supporting 0-9, dash
supporting A-Z, 0-9, dash
I guess this kind of fonts have high affinity to glowing effects. So I support same effect as FBGlowLabel.
All you have to do is to set 4 properties.
- glowColor
- innnerGlowColor
- glowSize
- innerGlowSize
In my app, "Flashback", Most of digital styled fonts are provided by this technique.
For more detail, access to Flashback Calendar
If you use CocoaPods, add following line into your Podfile
pod 'FBDigitalFont', :git => ''
or directly git clone or download from this page.
This includes some UIView classes which is customized to handle these fonts easily.
- FBBitmapFontView
- FBLCDFontView
- FBSquareFontView
Or If you want, you can directly use drawer classes.
- FBBitmapFont
- FBSquareFont
Each of view classes require you to call resetSize method after modified properties to adjust view size according to modified parameters. Don't forget about this.
#import <FBDigitalFont/FBBitmapFontView.h>
- (void)setupBitmapFontView
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(10, 60, 300, 50);
FBBitmapFontView *v = [[FBBitmapFontView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
v.text = @"BITMAP";
v.numberOfBottomPaddingDot = 1;
v.numberOfTopPaddingDot = 1;
v.numberOfLeftPaddingDot = 2;
v.numberOfRightPaddingDot = 2;
v.glowSize = 20.0;
v.innerGlowSize = 3.0;
v.edgeLength = 5.0;
[self.view addSubview:v];
[v resetSize];
- dotType
- edgeLength
- margin
- numberOfLeftPaddingDot
- numberOfTopPaddingDot
- numberOfRightPaddingDot
- numberOfBottomPaddingDot
- numberOfPaddingDotWithinDigits
- offColor
- onColor
- glowColor
- innerGlowColo
- glowSize
- innerGlowSize
- text
#import <FBDigitalFont/FBLCDFontView.h>
- (void)setupLCDFontView
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(40, 150, 300, 50);
FBLCDFontView *v = [[FBLCDFontView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
v.text = @"20141231";
v.lineWidth = 4.0;
v.drawOffLine = YES;
v.edgeLength = 20;
v.margin = 10.0;
v.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
v.horizontalPadding = 20;
v.verticalPadding = 14;
v.glowSize = 10.0;
v.glowColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x00ffff);
v.innerGlowColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x00ffff);
v.innerGlowSize = 3.0;
[self.view addSubview:v];
[v resetSize];
- drawOffLine
- edgeLength
- margin
- lineWidth
- horizontalPadding
- verticalPadding
- glowSize
- innerGlowSize
- lineColor
- offColor
- glowColor
- innerGlowColor
- text
#import <FBDigitalFont/FBSquareFontView.h>
- (void)setupSquareFontView
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(10, 240, 300, 50);
FBSquareFontView *v = [[FBSquareFontView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
v.text = @"SQUARE";
v.lineWidth = 3.0;
v.lineCap = kCGLineCapRound;
v.lineJoin = kCGLineJoinRound;
v.margin = 12.0;
v.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
v.horizontalPadding = 30;
v.verticalPadding = 14;
v.glowSize = 10.0;
v.glowColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x00ffff);
v.innerGlowColor = UIColorFromRGB(0x00ffff);
v.lineColor = UIColorFromRGB(0xffffff); // 0xffdd66
v.innerGlowSize = 2.0;
v.verticalEdgeLength = 12;
v.horizontalEdgeLength = 14;
[self.view addSubview:v];
[v resetSize];
- horizontalEdgeLength
- verticalEdgeLength
- margin
- lineWidth
- horizontalPadding
- verticalPadding
- glowSize
- innerGlowSize
- lineJoin
- lineCap
- lineColor
- glowColor
- innerGlowColor
- text
If you don't need digital font but glowing effect, See FBGlowLabel
This repository includes demo project, so you can dig into it for more detail.