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Simple genetic algorithm framework using C++

Simple example: Minecraft world seeds


Minecraft can generate worlds based on a specified seed value. This is a signed 64-bit integer value used to "seed" a pseudorandom number generator, which churns out values to create the world and its features.

The game provides a text box for you to type the seed when creating a new world, under the "More World Options..." menu.

If the specified seed value can be parsed as a signed 64-bit integer then it will use this exact number as the seed; if not, it will take the given string and calculate a signed 32-bit integer seed using the String.hashCode() function.

Trivia: Minecraft will silently ignore the number zero given as a seed, and will randomly create a seed instead without telling you. However, it will not reject a string which produces a hash code of zero (which might not actually be possible with the set of printable characters; I'm not sure).

Using GA to find colliding strings

I've included an example called minecraft_seed.cpp which finds colliding seed strings for generating Minecraft worlds. In other words, it finds collisions in Java's implementation of String.hashCode() which is used by Minecraft to turn a seed string into an integer for creating worlds. It may be more correct to simply call it a "general Java String.hashCode() collision finder".

This is possible because Java's implementation of hashCode() for strings isn't derived from a cryptographic hash function, which must have strong collision resistance. It is a much simpler hashing algorithm (see the hashCode() function in minecraft_seed.cpp).


On Windows, you can create a "project from existing code" to compile the code. Make sure you choose a Visual C++ project with type "console application project".

On Linux, run make.

Alternatively, use the supplied 64-bit Windows binary.


Use a command-line terminal to navigate to the directory with the executable. Run it with no arguments:

Usage: gaxx <pop#> <breed#> <gen#> <hash>

I made a quick tool in Java to print the hash code of a given string. There are a couple of online tools to do this also, for example here.

So I know that the hash code for "adamd1008" is -1934068580. But really, you can pick whatever hash code you like, provided it is a valid value for a signed 32-bit integer.

Let's give it this hash code and some sensible arguments for population, breeding and generation count to find another string that gives the same hash code:

D:\Work\gaxx\src\x64\Release>gaxx 100 30 1000 -1934068580
[G0]    | BEST = 1839232        | "WSWZRdM"
[G1]    | BEST = 1839232        | "WSWZRdM"
[G2]    | BEST = 1839232        | "WSWZRdM"
[G3]    | BEST = 1839232        | "WSWZRdM"
[G4]    | BEST = 974272 | "WSV[r$O"
[G5]    | BEST = 974272 | "WSV[r$O"
[G6]    | BEST = 974272 | "WSV[r$O"
[G7]    | BEST = 923274 | "WSVZZ`L"
[G8]    | BEST = 923274 | "WSVZZ`L"
[G9]    | BEST = 686031 | "WSVR[dL"
[G10]   | BEST = 484470 | "WSUJRdI"
[G100]  | BEST = 120    | "WSUZZdO"
[G200]  | BEST = 9      | "WSUZZga"
[G300]  | BEST = 1      | "WSUZZgi"
[G1000] | BEST = 0      | "WSUZZgj"

I've removed quite a lot of lines of output for brevity.

So the string "WSUZZgj" gives the same hash code as "adamd1008". We know this because, in this minecraft_seed.cpp example, the "fitness" of a string is how close its hash code is to the target hash code. Because we found a string with zero fitness, we have found an exact match. You may need to run the program multiple times, or change the arguments, to find a string with zero fitness.

So, more formally, we are trying to minimise the error of the hashCode() function for an input compared to an already known output.

Running it again will produce a different output:

D:\Work\gaxx\src\x64\Release>gaxx 100 30 1000 -1934068580
[G0]    | BEST = 31796764       | "H}+<,xBfXNoaO8]2Z/2_|W.;hoJ#{5"
[G1]    | BEST = 28301456       | "|dxs(rycYD1y}IlosiH3n@t:9@k`jkD+sxHO>]-"
[G2]    | BEST = 10597171       | "UA|hpz(xPno}8;*"
[G3]    | BEST = 10597171       | "UA|hpz(xPno}8;*"
[G4]    | BEST = 10597171       | "UA|hpz(xPno}8;*"
[G5]    | BEST = 8624437        | "P@\b:k"
[G6]    | BEST = 282957 | "PH|b:k"
[G7]    | BEST = 282957 | "PH|b:k"
[G8]    | BEST = 282957 | "PH|b:k"
[G9]    | BEST = 223407 | "PH~b:K"
[G10]   | BEST = 223407 | "PH~b:K"
[G100]  | BEST = 210	| "PK(paH"
[G200]  | BEST = 3      | "PJHS*>"
[G300]  | BEST = 2      | "PJHS*?"
[G1000] | BEST = 2      | "PJHS*?"

This time we didn't find a collision. We only found a string that has a hash code with a difference of 2 from the target hash.