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MindSphere SDK for .NET

Open-source .NET SDK for MindSphere APIs.

This project was started on my own initiative. I am still a student and I am trying my best to develop useful solution for the absence of .NET SDK. Of course, any help is more than welcome. My goal is to develop SDK similar to MindSphere SDK for Node.js.

❗ Check out new features and changes in the version v1.1.1 ->


The SDK is hosted as a package on the It is possible to use following command.

dotnet add package MindSphereSdk.Core --version 1.1.1

An alternative is to install MindSphereSdk.Core via NuGet Package Manager.

Getting started

To start using MindSphere APIs via this SDK an instance of the client class is needed. There are multiple clients available (e.g. AssetManagementClient). Those clients are provided by MindSphereApiSdk class. That has to be initialized with credentials and configuration.

// prerequisites
var creds = new AppCredentials(
var config = new ClientConfiguration();
var sdk = new MindSphereApiSdk(creds, config);
// get client
var assetClient = sdk.GetAssetManagementClient();
// make request
var request = new ListAssetsRequest();
var assets = await assetClient.ListAssetsAsync(request);


There are two possible ways how to provide credentials to the SDK client. Application and user credentials.

Application credentials

Application credentials are issued in the Developer Cockpit. Find out more.

AppCredentials instance can be created using constructor with following parameters.

var credentials = new AppCredentials(

It is also possible to import application credentials directly from a JSON file.

var credentials = AppCredentials.FromJsonFile("<file-path>");

The JSON file has to fit to the given structure.

    "keyStoreClientId": "<client-id>",
    "keyStoreClientSecret": "<client-secret>",
    "appName": "<app-name>",
    "appVersion": "<app-version>",
    "hostTenant": "<host-tenant>",
    "userTenant": "<user-tenant>"

User credentials

UserCredentials constructor must be provided with access token, that can be extracted from the request headers. Find out more.

var creds = new UserCredentials("<access-token>");
var sdk = new MindSphereApiSdk(creds, config);

Update credentials

To change provided credentials in the runtime use the method UpdateCredentials. However it is not possible to change the credential type. New credentials must be the same type as the previous.

var creds = new UserCredentials("<access-token>");
var sdk = new MindSphereApiSdk(creds, config);

var newCreds = new UserCredentials("<new-access-token>");

Client configuration

Additional options are passed to SDK client via ClientConfiguration that has following default values.

Property Default value
Region eu1
Timeout 100000 ms
Proxy empty
var config = new ClientConfiguration(/* domain, region, timeout, proxy */);


❗ This SDK only provides C# code to make HTTP calls to the MindSphere APIs. It does not provide any additional logic. Always refer to the official docs to find out more about the REST API. E.g. Asset Mangement API specification. ❗

List assets

var assetClient = sdk.GetAssetManagementClient();
var request = new ListAssetsRequest()
    Size = 5,
    Page = 2,
    /* and more ... */
var result = await assetClient.ListAssetsAsync(request);

Add asset

var assetClient = sdk.GetAssetManagementClient();
var request = new AddAssetRequest()
    Asset = new AssetAdd()
        Name = "<asset-name>",
        TypeId = "<asset-type-id>",
        ParentId = "<parent-asset-id>",
        /* and more ... */
var response = await assetClient.AddAssetAsync(request);

Download file

var assetClient = sdk.GetAssetManagementClient();
var request = new DownloadFileRequest()
    Id = "<file-id>",
    /* and more ... */
string fileContent = await assetClient.DownloadFileAsync(request);

Upload file

// using MdspFile = MindSphereSdk.Core.AssetManagement.File;

var assetClient = sdk.GetAssetManagementClient();
MdspFile file;
using (var fs = new FileStream("test.txt", FileMode.Open))
    var request = new UploadFileRequest()
        File = fs,
        Name = "test.txt",
        /* and more ... */
    file = await assetClient.UploadFileAsync(request);

Get time series data

To get time series data it is necessary to have corresponding class prepared. It is possible to use MindSphereName atribute or just to name the properties in the corresponding way so they could be deserialized.

var tsClient = sdk.GetIotTimeSeriesClient();
var request = new GetTimeSeriesRequest()
    EntityId = "<asset-id>",
    PropertySetName = "<aspect-name>"
    From = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
    To = DateTime.Now,
    Limit = 10,
    /* and more ... */
var timeSeries = await tsClient.GetTimeSeriesAsync<TimeSeriesData>(request);
// for each aspect type
public class TimeSeriesData 
    // for timestamp
    public DateTime Time { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "x"
    public double X { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "y"
    public double Y { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "z"
    public double Z { get; set; }

Put time series data

To put new time series data into the MindSphere either predefined class or anonymous type can be used.

Name the properties same as the variables in the MindSphere or add MindSphereName atribute. Otherwise the deserialization would fail.

var tsClient = sdk.GetIotTimeSeriesClient();
DateTime nowUtc = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

// with class
List<TimeSeriesData> timeSeriesData = new()
    new TimeSeriesData(nowUtc, 0.5, 0.7, 0.3),
    new TimeSeriesData(nowUtc.AddMinutes(1), 0.8, 1.2, 0.7)

// with anonymous type
List<object> timeSeriesData = new()
    new { _time = DateTime.Now, x = 0.5, y = 0.7, z = 0.3 }),
    new { _time = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), x = 0.8, y = 1.2, z = 0.7 })

PutTimeSeriesRequest request = new()
    Data = timeSeriesData,
    EntityId = "<asset-id>",
    PropertySetName = "<aspect-name>"

await tsClient.PutTimeSeriesAsync(request);
// for each aspect type
public class TimeSeriesData 
    // for timestamp
    public DateTime Time { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "x"
    public double X { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "y"
    public double Y { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "z"
    public double Z { get; set; }

Get time series aggregates

GetAggregateTimeSeriesAsync is generic method. It is necessary to set the type to a class derived from AggregateSet and to define expected MindSphere variables using properties of type AggregateVariable with corresponding names (or use MindSphereName attribute).

var iotAggregClient = sdk.GetIotTsAggregateClient();
var request = new GetAggregateTimeSeriesRequest()
    AssetId = "<asset-id>",
    AspectName = "<aspect-name>"
    From = new DateTime(2021, 4, 25, 0, 0, 0),
    To = new DateTime(2021, 4, 26, 0, 0, 0),
    IntervalUnit = "minute",
    IntervalValue = 2,
    /* and more ... */

var tsAggregate = await iotAggregClient.GetAggregateTimeSeriesAsync<AggregateTsData>(request);
// for each apect type
public class AggregateTsData : AggregateSet
    // for aspect variable named "x"
    public AggregateVariable X { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "y"
    public AggregateVariable Y { get; set; }

    // for aspect variable named "z"
    public AggregateVariable Z { get; set; }

Add event

Since the event can have different properties based on their event type it is necessary to provide custom class to the SDK in which the custom properties will be specified.

In the code below the MyEventAdd class is custom class derived from the SDK's EventAddUpdate class that provides basic properties such as EntityId.

❗ Make sure that the custom property name matches with the name in the MindSphere or use MindSphereName attribute. ❗

var eventClient = sdk.GetEventManagementClient();
var request = new AddEventRequest()
    Event = new MyEventAdd() // custom class derived from the SDK's Event class
        EntityId = "<asset-id>",
        Timestamp = DateTime.Now,
        Description = "<description>", // event type specific property
        Severity = 4 // event type specific property
    /* and more ... */
// it is possible to replace Event with custom class derived from the Event
var response = await eventClient.AddEventAsync<Event>(request);
public class MyEventAddUpdate : EventAddUpdate
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public int Severity { get; set; }   

List events

ListEventsAsync is also generic method that takes in a type derived from the Event class. This provides an option to fetch informations about events with custom properties.

❗ Make sure that the custom property name matches with the name in the MindSphere or use MindSphereName attribute. ❗

var eventClient = sdk.GetEventManagementClient();
var request = new ListEventsRequest();
var events = await eventClient.ListEventsAsync<MyEvent>(request);
public class MyEvent : Event
    public string Description { get; set; }

    public int Severity { get; set; }

Update event type

var eventClient = sdk.GetEventManagementClient();
var request = new UpdateEventTypeRequest()
    EventTypeId = "<event-type-id>",
    IfMatch = "0",
    EventTypePatch = new EventTypePatch
        Op = "replace",
        Path = "/scope",
        Value = "GLOBAL"
    /* and more ...*/
var response = await eventClient.UpdateEventTypeAsync(request);

APIs overview

Asset management client

Aspect types

Method Endpoint SDK
GET /aspecttypes ListAspectTypesAsync
PUT /aspecttypes/{id} PutAspectTypeAsync
PATCH /aspecttypes/{id} PatchAspectTypeAsync
GET /aspecttypes/{id} GetAspectTypeAsync
DELETE /aspecttypes/{id} DeleteAspectTypeAsync

Asset types

Method Endpoint SDK
GET /assettypes ListAssetTypesAsync
PUT /assettypes/{id} PutAssetTypeAsync
PATCH /assettypes/{id} PatchAssetTypeAsync
GET /assettypes/{id} GetAssetTypeAsync
DELETE /assettypes/{id} DeleteAssetTypeAsync
PUT /assettypes/{id}/fileAssignments/{key} AddAssetTypeFileAssignmentAsync
DELETE /assettypes/{id}/fileAssignments/{key} DeleteAssetTypeFileAssignmentAsync
PATCH /assettypes/{id}/variables PatchAssetTypeVariablesAsync


Method Endpoint SDK
GET /assets ListAssetsAsync
POST /assets AddAssetAsync
GET /assets/{id} GetAssetAsync
PUT /assets/{id} PutAssetAsync
PATCH /assets/{id} PatchAssetAsync
DELETE /assets/{id} DeleteAssetAsync
POST /assets/{id}/move MoveAssetAsync
PUT /assets/{id}/fileAssignments/{key} SaveAssetFileAssignmentAsync
DELETE /assets/{id}/fileAssignments/{key} DeleteAssetFileAssignmentAsync
GET /assets/root GetRootAssetAsync


Method Endpoint SDK
GET /assets/{id}/variables ListAssetVariablesAsync
GET /assets/{id}/aspects ListAssetAspectsAsync


Method Endpoint SDK
PUT /assets/{id}/location PutAssetLocationAsync
DELETE /assets/{id}/location DeleteAssetLocationAsync


Method Endpoint SDK
POST /files UploadFileAsync
GET /files ListFilesAsync
GET /files/{fileId}/file DownloadFileAsync
GET /files/{fileId} GetFileAsync
PUT /files/{fileId} UpdateFileAsync
DELETE /files/{fileId} DeleteFileAsync

Asset model locks

Method Endpoint SDK
GET /model/lock GetLockStateAsync
PUT /model/lock PutLockStateAsync

IoT time series client

Method Endpoint SDK
PUT /timeseries PutTimeSeriesMultipleAsync
GET /timeseries/{entityId}/{propertySetName} GetTimeSeriesAsync
PUT /timeseries/{entityId}/{propertySetName} PutTimeSeriesAsync
DELETE /timeseries/{entityId}/{propertySetName} DeleteTimeSeriesAsync

IoT time series aggregates client

Method Endpoint SDK
GET /aggregates GetAggregateTimeSeriesAsync

Event management


Method Endpoint SDK
POST /events AddEventAsync
GET /events ListEventsAsync
GET /events/{eventId} GetEventAsync
PUT /events/{eventId} UpdateEventAsync

Event types

Method Endpoint SDK
POST /eventTypes AddEventTypeAsync
GET /eventTypes ListEventTypesAsync
PATCH /eventTypes/{eventTypeId} UpdateEventTypeAsync
GET /eventTypes/{eventTypeId} GetEventTypeAsync
DELETE /eventTypes/{eventTypeId} DeleteEventTypeAsync


Method Endpoint SDK
POST /deleteEventsJobs not implemented
GET /deleteEventsJobs/{jobId} not implemented
POST /createEventsJobs not implemented
GET /createEventsJobs/{jobId} not implemented