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User Performance Progress Bars

This application is an example of using React, React-window and styled-components to create user performance progress bars. The application allows users to input their performance data and track their progress.

The application displays the progress bars and allows users users with a visual representation of their performance. It is a great tool for tracking progress and motivating users to continue to work hard and reach their goals.

#Technologies Used

The application was built using React, React-window, and styled-components. React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. React-window is a library used to efficiently render large lists, tables, and grids of data. Finally, styled-components is a library used to write CSS and style components in React.


To install the application, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once you have those prerequisites, you can clone the project from GitHub and run the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run dev

This will start the application and you can access it in your browser at localhost:5173.


This application is a great example of how to use React, React-window and styled-components to create user performance progress bars.