GrabWay is a cutting-edge ride-sharing application developed with React.js and powered by Google Maps API, designed to make commuting more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. With GrabWay, you can easily find and share rides with others who are traveling on similar routes, reducing traffic congestion and your transportation costs.
Its frontend is fully built using Tailwind and React JS frameworks with the help of Chakra UI.
We use MongoDB to store data through Express.js API calls.
Here is a list of all the major technologies we use:
To get started, make sure you have NodeJS installed (version 8 or higher).
The first step to run GrabWay locally is to download the code by cloning the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
cd grabway
npm i
npm start
cd backend
npm i
node index.js
You've now finished installing everything! Let's start 💯
Ps: if you're getting error installing the dependencies, try --force command along with npm install. For example
npm install --force
Now you're ready to run the app locally and sign into your local instance!
If you have any feedback or suggestions please reach out to the Project-Maintainer Aditya Kumar
- Contributions make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
- Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.