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Dave edited this page Feb 7, 2024 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the LazyMat wiki!

This contains the backlog refinement plans for this project.

Features to work on

  • Proxy class for late binding and deferred execution: this should cast to matrix type
  • Vector and Scalar interoperability
  • UnaryExpr factory
  • support vectorized operations
  • matrix types and template specialization
  • efficient constructor injection for std::array, std::vector, and std::initializer_list<std::initializer_list> types
    • Avoid temporaries
    • Add proper static assertions and implement fail-first
  • support for large array objects (beyond 256x256)
    • resolve stack and heap overflow


  • Neg
  • Log
  • Log10
  • Log2
  • Exp
  • Exp2
  • Sqrt
  • Cbrt
  • Sin
  • Cos
  • Tan
  • Asin
  • ACos
  • ATan
  • Sinh
  • Cosh
  • Tanh
  • ASinh
  • ACosh
  • ATanh
  • Erf
  • Erfc
  • TGamma
  • LGamma
  • Ceil
  • Floor
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