This is the repository for the Dockerfile made to containerize the running cDNA_Cupcake. It is built automatically upon any push to the repository using GitHub actions. There are several workflows set up to execute upon each push. The Docker image is automatically built and pushed to the GitHub container registry and may be pulled directly from there with this following command:
docker pull
There are six Python scripts for singlecell in cDNA_Cupcake, each has been wrapped so that you can execute seamlessly the routines in the container.
script name | description | |
Error correct BCs by gene group and error correct by UMI | |
Given as input a BAM after running LIMA so post-LIMA (primer-trimmed) CCS sequences, the UMI_type either 'A3' or 'G5' or 'G5-10X' and the presence of shortread_bc, aka a dictionary and a Y or N for top-ranked. If given, it came from short read data. This routine (assumes that the 5'/3' primers have already been removed by lima and makes no assumption about hte polyA tail existing or not, it clips out the UMI and writes out the rest of the sequence, keeping the RT + transcript | |
A group is FLNCs that have the same (mapped locus, UMI) group name is currently a string of the directory we will create later, which is <out_dir>/<loci_index>/-/flnc_tagged.bam | |
Given 1. single cell UMI, BC file (ccs -> umi, bc) 2. collapse group.txt (ccs -> pbid) 3. SQANTI classification (pbid -> transcript, isoform, category) 4. optional ontarget file (pbid -> ontarget or not). This routine outputs a collated file for each as follows: ccs, pbid, transcript, gene, category, ontarget (Y or N or NA), UMI, BC, UMIrev, BCrev | |
After running with --bc_rank_file and --only_top_ranked parameters, this routine takes the (1) .annotated.correct.csv file, (2) short read cluster (cell type) csv file, and (3) fasta (file ends with faa), gff, to de-duplicate the FLNC reads by cluster (cell type). It then outputs: (1) a de-dup table of (UMI-ed, BC-ed, gene) — pbid — associate gene — associated transcript — category — length — cluster #, (2) A “master” file, one sequence for each [pbid] that appeared at least once in both a fasta and gff format, and (3) A “per cluster” file, one sequence for each [pbid] that appeared once in each cluster also in both a fasta and a gff format | |
A temporary CSV file for isoseq3 (v3.4+) dedup output. It takes as dedup.fasta and outputs |
The following was run from a terminal window on a MacBookPro, but this could be run from anywhere accessible to the GitHub container registry.
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -h
IF all is well this will return on the command line:
usage: [-h] [--bc_rank_file BC_RANK_FILE] [--only_top_ranked] [--dropseq_clean_report DROPSEQ_CLEAN_REPORT]
[--dropseq_synthesis_report DROPSEQ_SYNTHESIS_REPORT]
input_csv output_csv
positional arguments:
input_csv Input CSV
output_csv Output CSV
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bc_rank_file BC_RANK_FILE
(Optional) cell barcode rank file from short read data
--only_top_ranked (Optional) only output those that are top-ranked. Must have --bc_rank_file.
--dropseq_clean_report DROPSEQ_CLEAN_REPORT
Output from running DetectBeadSubstitutionErrors in DropSeq cookbook (ex:
--dropseq_synthesis_report DROPSEQ_SYNTHESIS_REPORT
Output from running DetectBeadSynthesisErrors in DropSeq cookbook (ex:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -h
If all is well this will return on the command line:
usage: [-h] [-u UMI_LEN] [-b BC_LEN] [-t TSO_LEN] [--umi_type {A3,G5,G5-10X,G5-clip}] [--g5_clip_seq G5_CLIP_SEQ] [--bc_rank_file BC_RANK_FILE]
bam_filename output_prefix
positional arguments:
bam_filename CCS BAM with cDNA primer removed (post LIMA)
output_prefix Output prefix
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u UMI_LEN, --umi_len UMI_LEN
Length of UMI
-b BC_LEN, --bc_len BC_LEN
Length of cell barcode
-t TSO_LEN, --tso_len TSO_LEN
Length of TSO (for G5-10X only)
--umi_type {A3,G5,G5-10X,G5-clip}
Location of the UMI
--g5_clip_seq G5_CLIP_SEQ
Sequence before UMI for G5-clip (for G5-clip only)
--bc_rank_file BC_RANK_FILE
(Optional) cell barcode rank file from short read data
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -h
If all is well this will return on the command line:
usage: Cluster reads by UMI/BC [-h] [-d OUT_DIR] [--useBC] flnc_bam sorted_sam umi_bc_csv output_prefix
positional arguments:
flnc_bam FLNC BAM filename
sorted_sam Mapped, sorted FLNC SAM filename
umi_bc_csv Clipped UMI/BC CSV filename
output_prefix Output prefix
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d OUT_DIR, --out_dir OUT_DIR
Cluster out directory (default: tmp/)
--useBC Has single cell BC (default: off)
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -h
If all is well this will return on the command line:
usage: [-h] [-i ONTARGET_FILENAME] [-p DEDUP_ORF_PREFIX] [--no-extra-base] [--is_clustered]
group_filename csv_gz_filename class_filename output_filename
positional arguments:
group_filename Collapse .group.txt
csv_gz_filename Trimmed UMI/BC CSV info, compressed with gzip
class_filename SQANTI classification.txt
output_filename Output filename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
(Optional) on target information text
(Optional) dedup-ed ORF group prefix, must have <pre>.faa and <pre>.group.txt
--no-extra-base Drop all reads where there are extra bases
--is_clustered group.txt contains post-UMI clustering result
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -h
If all is well this will return on the command line:
usage: De-duplicate FLNC reads per cluster [-h] [--fasta FASTA] [--gff GFF] [--faa FAA] corrected_csv cluster_file
positional arguments:
corrected_csv Annotated, error-corrected FLNC CSV file
cluster_file Short read barcode to cluster CSV file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--fasta FASTA (Optional) Fasta file (IDs should be PB.X.Y)
--gff GFF (Optional) GFF file (IDs should be PB.X.Y)
--faa FAA (Optional) Faa file (IDs should be PB.X.Y)