Persistent store for vulnerabilities data obtained from Vulcan scans.
The Vulnerability Database acts as a worker which reads from a queue containing the checks status changes and data, it then processes this data, including checks report, in order to maintain a historic representation of vulnerabilities lifecycle, affected assets, executed checks, etc.
For running the component locally, clone and run at the root of the repo the following:
go install ./...
cd db && source && cd -
cd db && source && cd -
vulnerability-db-consumer -c _resources/config/local.toml
You can test the Vulnerability DB Consumer locally in your machine. The commands bellow will launch the necessary components required by the application.
# Navigate to the local_deployment folder
cd local_deployment
# Start the dependencies
docker-compose up -d
# Build and run the vulnerability-db-consumer
You can test that everything works by sending a message to the mocked SNS topic, using the AWS cli:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=fake AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=fake aws sns publish \
--region local \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:4100 \
--topic-arn arn:aws:sns:local:012345678900:VulcanLocalhostChecks \
--message '
}' \
--message-attributes '{"status":{"DataType":"String","StringValue":"FINISHED"}}'
To stop the dependencies, run:
docker-compose down --remove-orphans
To purge local mocked SQS queue:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=fake AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=fake aws sqs purge-queue \
--region local \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:4100 \
--queue-url http://localhost:4100/012345678900/VulcanLocalhostVulnDBChecks
Those are the variables you have to use:
Variable | Description | Sample |
MAX_EVENT_AGE | Defines the max age for which check events are processed. Older events are discarded | 365 |
LOG_LEVEL | error | |
PG_HOST | Database host | localhost |
PG_NAME | Database name | vulnerabilitydb |
PG_USER | Database user | vulnerabilitydb |
PG_PASSWORD | Database password | vulnerabilitydb |
PG_PORT | Database port | 5432 |
PG_SSLMODE | One of these (disable,allow,prefer,require,verify-ca,verify-full) | disable |
PG_CA_B64 | A base64 encoded CA certificate | |
SQS_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS | Number of concurrent SQS processors | Default: 10 |
SQS_QUEUE_ARN | Checks queueu ARN | arn:aws:sqs:xxx:123456789012:yyy |
SNS_TOPIC_ARN | ARN of topic to publish new vulnerabilities | arn:aws:sns:xxx:123456789012:yyy |
RESULTS_URL | External vulcan-results URL | |
RESULTS_INTERNAL_URL | Internal vulcan-results URL | http://vulcan-results |
AWS_SQS_ENDPOINT | Endpoint for SQS creation queue (optional) | http://custom-aws-endpoint |
AWS_SNS_ENDPOINT | Endpoint for SNS topic (optional) | http://custom-aws-endpoint |
docker build . -t vdb
# Use the default config.toml customized with env variables.
docker run --env-file ./local.env -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --name vdb --rm vdb
# Use custom config.toml
docker run -v `pwd`/custom.toml:/app/config.toml vdb