Second Year CS Student at VLB Coimbatore
Forcing Myself To Learn Math For ML atm
const Me = {
pronouns: "he | him",
code: [Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, C, Java, Bash, C++, PHP, C#],
dbs: [MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB],
others: [ReactJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, Django, React Native],
more: {
curr_learning: ["Cloud Computing", "Machine Learning"],
software_known: ["Visual Studio", "Figma", "Adobe XD", "Android Studio"],
certified_in: ["UI UX developer", "Ethical hacker],
"I am doing the #100DaysOfCode challenge focused on algorithms and datastructures",
CodeWars & Leetcode
I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)
⭐️ From @adhithyanmv