- The user can view doctors near to them.
- The user's location (lat/long) should be captured by the app.
- The user's captured location should be used to retrieve a collection of doctors nearby. Google Places API or another appropriate data source should be used.
- The user's location and the locations of the nearby doctors are plotted on a map.
- The user can book an appointment at one of the nearby doctors.
- On selecting a doctor on the map, the user is presented with an appointment booking form which requires them to enter their name, email address and preferred appointment time.
- On submitting the booking form a successful booking confirmation message is shown.
<Install instructions from the Meteor website>
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
<1 Install Chocolatey>
<2 Install Meteor via Choco>
choco install meteor
Before running the app, make sure to add your Google Maps API key in the file located
The key needs to be placed in the script indicated by
cd <cloned repo folder>
meteor npm install
If you still get package errors after running these commands you will need to run
meteor npm rebuild
meteor test --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --full-app
meteor npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-istanbul
BABEL_ENV=COVERAGE COVERAGE=1 COVERAGE_VERBOSE=1 COVERAGE_APP_FOLDER=$PWD/ TEST_WATCH=1 meteor test --driver-package meteortesting:mocha
If you do not see any green on the code coverage page, please refresh the page, as code coverage takes a small amount of time to load before generating an up to date html document.
Fun challenge! However since I do not have any time other than the weekends, I have hacked this up during these 2 days. Other than unit tests the app has not been thouroughly tested and it's my first time using MaterializeCSS, so some bugs 🐛 are bound to appear!
Listed below are a list of improvements I would make, if this was a full time project.
- Check marker validity, some markers do not work because data isn't returned from the API
- Implement a way to make clusters of markers more visible and easier to select
- Implement a user account system with pagination for the appointments page
- Use Bootstrap 😂, from this experiment with MaterializeCSS, there's less tools such as multiple modals which Bootstrap has. Furthermore, some of the default responsive design is bugged in my app.
- Design a proper schema for the collections