*uino-1284p is an Arduino compatible platform based on the Atmel ATmega1284P-AU microcontroller.
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The *uino-1284p is derived from previous work done by:
- The Arduino team http://arduino.cc/
The *uino-1284p board utilizes the ATmega1284P microcontroller. The main goal of this project is to be able to access more memory, both FLASH and RAM, while keeping the Arduino UNO compatible board size and I/O assignments.
The ATmega1284P provides 128k of FLASH and 16k of RAM. It has 10 more I/O pins then the ATmega328P. The additional I/O pins are brought out to a 5x2 header in a non-standard Arduino position. The extra header pins are :
L1/D16 o|o L2/D17
D18 o|o D19
D20 o|o D21
D22 o|o D23
D24/A6 o|o D25/A7
The design features a dedicated ATmega8U2 for USB connectivity. The circuit has been taken from the Arduino UNO but the TQFP-32 package was chosen for easy solderability.
Power supply input for the board is selected via a jumper. Power supply options are USB bus powered or unregulated DC input. An onboard LDO regulator will accept an unregulated input voltage between 6.4V and 15V.
The board is supported in Arduino IDE 1.6.x via the core files available at: adilinden-oss/uino-arduino
To install clone uino-arduino into the hardware folder inside your Sketchbook folder. The board will then automagically appear in the Boards menu.
*uino ATmega1284p Function
A0 D26 32 - PA5 (PCINT5/ADC5)
A1 D27 33 - PA4 (PCINT4/ADC4)
A2 D28 34 - PA3 (PCINT3/ADC3)
A3 D29 35 - PA2 (PCINT2/ADC2)
A4 D30 36 - PA1 (PCINT1/ADC1)
A5 D31 37 - PA0 (PCINT0/ADC0)
D0 9 - PD0 (PCINT24/RXD0/T3) UART RX0
D1 10 - PD1 (PCINT25/TXD0) UART TX0
D2 11 - PD2 (PCINT26/RXD1/INT0) IRQ2, UART RX1
D3 12 - PD3 (PCINT27/TXD1/INT1) IRQ3, UART TX1
D4 13 - PD4 (PCINT28/XCK1/OC1B) PWM
D5 14 - PD5 (PCINT29/OC1A) PWM
D6 15 - PD6 (PCINT30/OC2B/ICP) PWM
D7 16 - PD7 (PCINT31/OC2A) PWM
D8 42 - PB2 (PCINT10/INT2/AIN0)
D9 43 - PB3 (PCINT11/OC0A/AIN1) PWM
D10 44 - PB4 (PCINT12/OC0B/SS) PWM, SPI SS
SCL D14 19 - PC0 (PCINT16/SCL) SCL
SDA D15 20 - PC1 (PCINT17/SDA) SDA
L1 D16 21 - PC2 (PCINT18/TCK) L1
L2 D17 22 - PC3 (PCINT19/TMS) L2
D18 23 - PC4 (PCINT20/TDO)
D19 24 - PC5 (PCINT21/TDI)
D20 25 - PC6 (PCINT22/TOSC1)
D21 26 - PC7 (PCINT23/TOSC2)
D22 40 - PB0 (PCINT8/T0/XCK0)
D23 41 - PB1 (PCINT9/T1/CLK0)
A6 D24 30 - PA7 (PCINT7/ADC7)
A7 D25 31 - PA6 (PCINT6/ADC6)