- Wireframing: figma
- Backend: NodeJS, Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Frontend: NextJS
- Appdev: ReactNative
- After logging in, open the scanner and scan the qr code provided at the table by the restaurant.
- After scanning, you will be presented with a menu where you can add items to your cart.
- Once you have decided what you want to eat, just click on confirm cart and the restaurant will recieve your order.
- After you're done eating, you'll get a payment screen where you'll be presented with the bill, which contains the dishes you ordered and the final amount payable after taxes.
- After you make the payment you're set.
app - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TkS_6KbiQJ-NeKQMsXk6JynI73vl8ppM/view?usp=sharing
web - https://guacamol-web-adityamhn.vercel.app/62a5106f0043756d72053395/62a51215cebbc550c3774580,
api - http://ec2-3-108-235-208.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8010,
figma - https://www.figma.com/file/nKB9R0Gb2I9fLo8dNQv8kW/Jolteon?node-id=0%3A1