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OpenWhisk Action Logger

Logger for OpenWhisk actions.


GitHub license GitHub issues CircleCI codecov Greenkeeper badge LGTM Code Quality Grade: JavaScript

API Reference


Wrap function that returns an OpenWhisk function that is enabled with logging.


const { wrap } = require('@adobe/openwhisk-action-utils');
const { logger } = require('@adobe/openwhisk-action-logger');

async function main(params) {
  const { __ow_logger: log } = params;

  //…my action code…'.....');

module.exports.main = wrap(main)

logger~init(args, [logger], [level]) ⇒ SimpleInterface

Initializes helix-log that adds additional activation related fields to the loggers. It also looks for credential params and tries to add additional external logger (eg. coralogix).

It also initializes params.__ow_logger with a SimpleInterface if not already present.

Kind: inner method of logger
Returns: SimpleInterface - the helix-log simple interface

Param Type Default Description
args * openwhisk action params or function arguments.
[logger] MultiLogger rootLogger a helix multi logger. defaults to the helix rootLogger.
[level] string Overall log-level. defaults to params.LOG_LEVEL or 'info`.

logger~trace(fn) ⇒ ActionFunction | HEDYFunction

Creates a tracer function that logs invocation details on trace level before and after the actual action invocation.

Kind: inner method of logger
Returns: ActionFunction | HEDYFunction - an action function instrumented with tracing.

Param Type Description
fn ActionFunction | HEDYFunction original OpenWhisk action main function

logger~logger(fn, [opts]) ⇒ ActionFunction | HEDYFunction

Wrap function that returns an OpenWhisk function that is enabled with logging.

Kind: inner method of logger
Returns: ActionFunction | HEDYFunction - a new function with the same signature as your original main function

Param Type Default Description
fn ActionFunction | HEDYFunction original OpenWhisk action main function
[opts] object Additional wrapping options
[opts.fields] object Additional fields to log with the ow logging fields.
[opts.logger] MultiLogger rootLogger a helix multi logger. defaults to the helix rootLogger.


const { wrap } = require('@adobe/openwhisk-action-utils');
const { logger } = require('@adobe/openwhisk-action-logger');

async function main(params) {
  const { __ow_logger: log } = params;

  //…my action code…'.....');

module.exports.main = wrap(main)