is a plugin designed to enhance the development workflow for Laravel projects in Neovim. It provides autocompletion for routes within blade files when you type route('
. This plugin is an extension for nvim-cmp
, the completion engine for Neovim. Future enhancements will include autocompletion for views (e.g., return view('AUTOCOMPLETE_HERE)
), and other Laravel-specific features.
-[x] Autocomplete Laravel routes in blade files.
-[ ] Support for view autocompletion
-[ ] Support for database model autocompletion
-[ ] And more
To install nvim-cmp-laravel
, ensure you have nvim-cmp
configured in your Neovim setup. Add the following line to your nvim-cmp
After adding the plugin to your dependencies, add this at the end of the config = function()
nvim-cmp-laravel is configured to be able to show custom icons for the autocomplete suggestions. This is my formatting options for nvim-cmp:
formatting = {
fields = { "abbr", "kind", "menu" },
format = function(entry, vim_item)
-- Custom icons for specific item types
local custom_icons = {
copilot = icons.misc.copilot,
laravel_routes = icons.misc.laravel_routes,
Text = icons.ui.FindText,
-- Determine the correct icon
local kind_label = vim_item.kind
if entry.source.name == "copilot" then
kind_label = "copilot"
vim_item.kind_hl_group = "CopilotSuggestion" -- Highlight group for copilot suggestions
elseif entry.source.name == "laravel_routes" then
kind_label = "laravel_routes"
vim_item.kind_hl_group = "LaravelRoutesSuggestion" -- Highlight group for laravel_routes suggestions
vim_item.kind = custom_icons[kind_label] or icons.kind[kind_label] or kind_label
-- Set the 'menu' field with the source of the suggestion
vim_item.menu = "(" .. (source_map[entry.source.name] or entry.source.name) .. ")"
-- The rest remains unchanged
-- Special handling for colors
if vim_item.kind == icons.kind.Color and entry.completion_item.documentation then
local _, _, r, g, b = string.find(entry.completion_item.documentation, "^rgb%((%d+), (%d+), (%d+)")
if r then
local color = string.format("%02x", r) .. string.format("%02x", g) .. string.format("%02x", b)
local group = "Tw_" .. color
if vim.fn.hlID(group) < 1 then
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, { fg = "#" .. color })
vim_item.kind_hl_group = group
return vim_item
return vim_item
I am dedicating as much time as possible to developing this plugin, but I also have a life outside of coding ;). If you're able to contribute by adding features or fixing bugs, your pull requests are highly appreciated!