Kurikaeshi (Japanese for 'repetition') is an app allowing users to learn and retain Japanese vocabulary by means of a spaced repetition algorithm. Kurikaeshi stores a wealth of information, including pronunciation and example usages, for each word, and tracks the user's progress as their grasp of new vocabulary words increases.
Users can...
- Sign up for an account
- Log in to their account
- Log out
- Test knowledge of vocabulary by answering multiple choice questions
- View four different orthographic representations of every Japanese word
- Toggle hiragana/katakana/romaji to suit needs
- View each word used in context
- Track development of familiarity with a term by means of calculated accuracy percentage
- Access dictionary entries for missed words
- Mongo
- Mongoose
- Node.js
- Express
- Passport
- JavaScript
- React
- Redux
- Mocha
- Chai
- Heroku
- Netlify
- Travis CI