Implementation with Command Line Interface of the work done for my degree final project "Appereance and context information combination for re-identificaton in sports competitions"
("Combinación de apariencia e información de contexto para la re-identificación en competiciones deportivas"
With this implementation you can:
- Run the studied body detectors and get the body images or bounding boxes of the bodies in a given image.
- Generate a representative embedding from a body image using studied body embedding generators.
- Compute the CMC curve of a given gallery set and query set, using one of the proposed heuristics.
- Test the whole system from a video feed, using a specified gallery set.
- Python
>= 3.7
. - Pip
>= 20
In your system or virtual Python
environment, install the requirements/dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then you can use it by executing the
Option | Description |
-h , --help |
Shows the help message and exit. |
--silent |
Runs program in silent mode (no verbose). |
Option | Description |
--alignedreid |
Uses AlignedReId++ for body embedding generation. |
--abd |
Uses Attentive but Diverse Network for body embedding generation. |
--embeddingGeneratorWeights weights_file |
Embedding generator weights file. |
--embeddingGeneratorClasses classes_number |
Embedding generator number of classes. |
Option | Description |
--mtcnn |
Uses MTCNN for face detection. |
--yolo |
Uses YOLOv3 for person detection. |
--faster |
Uses FasterRCNN for person detection. |
--mask |
Uses `MaskRCNN for person detection. |
--bodyDetectorWeights weights_path |
Body detector weights file. |
--bodyDetectorConfig configuration_file_path |
Body detector configuration file. Only needed for YOLOv3 . |
--detectionThreshold threshold_float |
Specifies the detection threshold. Default value: 0.8 |
Option | Description |
--embedding image_file |
Returns embedding of the given body. Default embedding generator: AlignedReId++ . |
--savePath save_embedding_path |
Embedding save path (use .h5 extension). |
Option | Description |
--detection image_path |
Returns bodies of the given image in the specified folder using --saveFolder option. Default body detector: MaskRCNN . |
--boundingBox |
Draws bounding boxes in image instead of getting the body image. |
--saveFolder folder_path |
Specifies the save folder for the --detection option. |
Dataset must follow the next structure:
| Identity
|-- 0
| |
| |
| | Location
| |-- 0
| | |
| | |
| | | Image number
| | |-- 0
| | |
| | |-- 1
| | |
| | |-- 2
| | |
| | |-- ...
| |
| |
| |
| |-- 1
| |
| |-- 2
| |
| |-- ...
|-- 1
|-- 2
|-- 3
|-- ...
Option | Description |
--cmc |
Returns the CMC curve discrete values of the given query and gallery. |
--plot |
Plots the calculated CMC curve. |
--ids ids_file_path |
The ids list files. |
--query query_directory_path |
The query embeddings directory. |
--gallery gallery_directory_path |
The gallery embeddings directory. |
--queryLocation location_number |
The choosen query location in the dataset. |
--galleryLocation location_number |
The choosen gallery location in the dataset. |
--oneIndexed |
Check this option if the dataset indexes starts at 1. |
--topNum top_number |
Top number of CMC curve. |
Option | Description |
--timeHeuristic |
Display the CMC curve using time heuristic of the given query and gallery. |
--raceRanking rank_file_path |
Previous race ranking file for CMC curve for heuristics. |
--windowSize integer |
Window size for time heuristic. Default value: 30 . |
--shiftSize integer |
Shift size for time heuristic. Default value: 1 . |
--shiftProp float |
Shift proportion for time heuristic. Default value: 1 . |
Option | Description |
--spaceHeuristic |
Display the CMC curve using space heuristic of the given query and gallery. |
--fps integer |
FPS for space heuristic. Default value: 5 . |
--timeout float |
Timeout for space heuristic. Default value: 10 . |
Option | Description |
--video video_path |
Runs system with specified video file. |
--camera |
Runs system using system camera. |
This features has not been tested and were implemented for experimental intentions only. Further work in this area can be made, as told in the project report.
Option | Description |
--openWorldThreshold float |
The minimum value to consider an identity as equal as one in the gallery. |
--maxDescriptors integer |
The maximum number of descriptors per gallery. |