Tell us your wishes and we'll help you decide! ConDr gives you suggestions whether to buy or not a product you are looking for by searching through our database.
Original request here:
Develop a web tool to provide consumers with advice on decisions to purchase goods / services in an ethical way. The system will be able to store and use the simple rules of the form "if then " - in our case, for example, "we will not buy / use the product P because it contains / uses substance S", or "I will choose P instead of Q because of M (for example, low mobility or unreasonable price)"- to provide suggestions on personal or group resources. The application will also provide statistics on most of the desired resources, restrictions, people with similar preferences, etc. As a source of inspiration, see Buycott. Bonus: using web microservices.
The result:
- ConDr Development journal
- Database schema with documentation
- User Manual
- GitHub Pages Documentation with Scholarly HTML tags
- Early interface mockups
- March 2019 - 2 years anniversary, congrats everyone involved!
- November 2018 - Our php7-with-oci8 docker image got 1M pulls
- June 2017 - We presented the project for evaluation.
- March 2017 - This project started.
Things that came out during development of this project as a side effect:
- php7-oci documentation, repo here, docker image here (this image later got 1M pulls)
- super-simple-oci-orm documentation, repo here
- How to make a pull request in 45 seconds
Thank you for considering contributing to the ConDr app! The contribution guide can be found in the ConDr documentation.
ConDr is using Laravel PHP, a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Come and learn with us programming!
The ConDr app is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
B2 group, academic year 2016-2017:
- Bulbuc-Aioanei Elisa
- Anghelina Elena
- Buza Mădălina-Gabriela
- Harabulă Adrian