Springboot API that provides contexts and challenges in a collaborative database.
To make this project run you will need to have the following items installed:
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Java 11 or OpenJDK 11
- PostgreSQL 12.3 (it is recommended to use a Docker container)
- Intelij or other IDE of your choice
This project also uses the following technologies:
- Spring Boot - 2.2.7.RELEASE
- Hibernate
- H2 Database
- Maven 4.0.0
- Swagger 2.9.2
- JUnit 4
Note: Use Insomnia or another tool to test calls to API endpoints
You must open a terminal and clone this repository:
To clone this repository via HTTPS:
a4sufpb@a4sufpb:~$ git clone https://github.com/a4s-ufpb/EducAPI.git
Access the cloned repository through the IDE of your choice and change the spring.profiles.active
variable in the EducAPI/src/main/resources/application.properties
file to dev
or test
Create a .env
file in the project's root directory, to set the environment variables used in the API, and fill this file with the following content:
NOTE: Configure the environment variables above according to the PostgreSQL connection created on your machine.
NOTE: Remember to create a database with the name defined in the value of the POSTGRES_DB variable.
If you are NOT going to run the project using Docker, download the dependencies needed to run the project by right-clicking on the EducAPI/pom.xml
To run the API locally on your machine, open a terminal at the root of the project and enter the following commands:
a4sufpb@a4sufpb:~$ export $(cat .env | xargs)
a4sufpb@a4sufpb:~$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
Go to http://localhost:8080/
to access the API.
If you are going to run the project USING Docker, just open a terminal at the root of the project and type:
a4sufpb@a4sufpb:~$ docker-compose up --build
To stop the project just close the terminal.
Go to http://localhost:8080/
to access the API.
NOTE: Whenever you want to test any changes that werw made to the code, repeat the commands above to stop and start again.
Note: Pull requests should only be accepted if the project is able to build using Docker.
The API in production at https://api.apps4society.dcx.ufpb.br/educapi/ and the documentation can be obtained at https://api.apps4society.dcx.ufpb.br/educapi/swagger-ui.html. In addition, you can acess the API documentation locally on your machine by accessing localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
To learn more about Spring boot, how to install and how to use it, access the documentation.
Also access the JUnit, JPA and Hibernate documentation.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, see also LICENSE.md for more details.
Amanda Azevedo |
Emerson Dantas |
Francivaldo Napoleão |
Marcos Ludgero |
Ayla Dantas Rebouças |
Carlos Hacks |
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for more details regarding our content code and the process of submitting pull requests to us.
- To learn more about the Apps4Society and SisAlfa project visit the websites
- Follow the Apps4Society on Instagram
- Contact us by email