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web_api_base is a npm packaged that allows to create web-apis like MVC of .NET


npm install web_api_base


First of all we need implement the abstract class Application. After that, we need to create some controllers and they must inherit the abstract class ControllerBase.


We can create a controller using the create-controller command :

npx create-controller
import { ControllerBase, Route, GET } from "web_api_base";

export default class SampleController extends ControllerBase
    public Hello() : ActionResult
        return this.OK({message: "Hello Word!"})


We can create a app using the create-application command :

npx create-application 
import SampleController from "./controllers/SampleController ";

import { ControllerBase, Application, IApplicationConfiguration, DependecyService } from "web_api_base";

export default class App extends Application
    public override Configure(appConfig: IApplicationConfiguration): void
        //allow CORS

        //if the controlles follow the naming rules, the method UseControllers will automatically append them



import Application from './Application';

new Application().StartAsync();

Dependecy Injection

Consider this abstraction of a service and some imnplementations


export abstract class SampleServiceAbstract
    abstract DoSomething() : void;

export class SampleService extends SampleServiceAbstract
    public DoSomething(): void {
        console.log("Doing in SampleServices");

export class GenericService<T>
    public SomeGenericResult<T>(obj : T) {
        console.log("typeof obj: " + typeof obj);

We can use the DI service like this


import { ControllerBase, Route, GET, Inject } from "web_api_base";
import {SampleServiceAbstract, GenericService } from '../services/SampleService.ts';

export default class SampleController extends ControllerBase
    @Inject() // say to DI that this property will be inject on the instance
    public SomeDepency : SampleServiceAbstract;

    @Inject() // say to DI that this property will be inject on the instance
    //the type argument do not exists on runtime, on .js result files. The DI system will work fine and we 
    //will still have the type check on development time 
    public SomeGenericDepency : GenericService<string> ;

    constructor(someDependecy : SampleServiceAbstract, someGenericDepency: GenericService<string>)
        this.SomeDepency = someDependecy ;  
        this.SomeGenericDepency = someGenericDepency;
        this.SomeGenericDepency.SomeGenericresult("Test") // typeof obj: string
        //this.SomeGenericDepency.SomeGenericresult(10) // compiler error
    public Hello() : ActionResult
        return this.OK({message: "Hello Word!"})

And we can register our dependecies in Application ConfigureAsync method


import { Application, IApplicationConfiguration} from "web_api_base";

import { SampleService, SampleServiceAbstract, GenericService  } from './service/SampleService';

export default class App extends Application
    public override async ConfigureAsync(appConfig: IApplicationConfiguration): Promise<void>

        //DI AddScoped, AddTransient and AddSingleton
        appConfig.AddScoped(SampleServiceAbstract, SampleService);    
        appConfig.AddScoped(GenericService) // will register for all generic type arguments
       //will register only for GenericService<User>. We need use  @InjectTypeArgument(User) on dependecy
       //to work fine
       //appConfig.AddGenericScoped(GenericService, User) 

       //will register only for GenericService<User>. We need use  @InjectTypeArgument(User) on dependecy
       //to work fine
       //appConfig.AddGenericScoped(GenericService, undefined, undefined, typeArgument =>
       //   here we can determine how to create the instance. We have access of type argument on typeArgument 
       //   argument. After this function execution, the instance will pass for DI pipeline to get all 
       //   dependecies


HTTP Verbs decorators


Create a GET endpoint


Create a PUT endpoint


Create a POST endpoint


Create a DELETE endpoint

HTTP response status code response

All instances of Controller was the default HTTP response status code response method implementeds

OK(result? : T) : OKResult

Send status 200 and a optional body

Created(result? : T) : CreatedResult

Send status 201 and a optional body

Accepted(result? : T) : AcceptedResult

Send status 202 and a optional body

NoContent(result? : T) : NoContentResult

Send status 204 and a optional body

BadRequest(result? : T) : BadRequestResult

Send status 400 and a optional body

Unauthorized(result? : T) : UnauthorizedResult

Send status 401 and a optional body

Forbidden(result? : T) : ForbiddenResult

Send status 403 and a optional body

NotFound(result? : T) : NotFoundResult

Send status 404 and a optional body

Error(result? : T) : ErrorResult

Send status 500 and a optional body

SendResponse(status : number, result? : T) : void

Send a status code and a optional body



Append a delegate to execute before the controller´s action

@UseBefore(async context => 

    if(context.Request.headers["token"] != "we have access to request object")
         context.Response.json({Message : "we have access to response object"});
         return await context.Next(); // call next function in the pipeline
export default class StatusController extends ControllerBase


Append a delegate to execute after the controller´s action

@UseAfter(async actionResult => 

      if(actionResult.Exception) // if a exception was launched
          actionResult.Response.status(500);  // we can access the original request
          actionResult.Response.json({Error : actionResult.Exception.Message});

      actionResult.Response.status(200);  // we can access the original response
      actionResult.Response.json(actionResult.Result); // we can acess the return of controller´s action   

export default class StatusController extends ControllerBase


Define that the request must have some header

export default class StatusController extends ControllerBase

Model Bind decorators


Extract a method parameter type instance from body of request

"Name": "Adriano Marino Balera",
"Email": "",
"Age" : 30
 public async InsertAsync(@FromBody()user : User) : Promise<User>
     return await this._service.AddAsync(user);

In the example above, the model binding system will cast the body in a intance of type User.

We can extract some part of body using named FromBody args: @FromBody('user'). The model binding system will use the 'user' property of body json.

  "user" : 
        "Name": "Adriano Marino Balera",
        "Email": "",
        "Age" : 30


Extract the method parameter from query string of request

public async GetByIdAsync(@FromQuery()id : number) : Promise<OKResult<User>>
     return this.OK(await this._service.GetByIdAsync(id));

In the example above, the model binding system will get the first query argument of request. We can also determine the name of parameter: @FromQuery('id').


Extract a method File(web_api_base) type parameter from multipart/form-data request

 public async InsertAsync(@FromFiles()file: File) : Promise<User>
     return await this._service.MoveFiles(file, newPath);

Sample of a complete controller

import { ControllerBase, Route, POST, PUT, DELETE, GET, Inject, Validate, FromBody, FromQuery } from "web_api_base";
import AbstractUserService from "../core/abstractions/AbstractUserService";
import User from "../core/entities/User";

export default class UserController extends ControllerBase
    private _service : AbstractUserService;

    constructor(service : AbstractUserService)
        this._service = service;
    public async GetAllAsync() : Promise<OKResult<User[]>>
        return this.OK(await this._service.GetAllAsync());
    public async GetAllPermissionsAsync() : Promise<OKResult<Permission>>
        return this.OK(await this._service.GetAllPermissions());

    public async GetByIdAsync(@FromQuery("id")id : number) : Promise<OKResult<User>>
       return this.OK(await this._service.GetByIdAsync(id));
    public async InsertAsync(@FromBody()user : User) : Promise<CreatedResult<User>>
       return this.Created(await this._service.AddAsync(user));
    public async UpdateAsync(@FromBody()user : User, ) : Promise<ActionResult>
        if(user.Id == undefined || user.Id <= 0)
            return this.BadRequest({ Message : "The ID must be greater than 0"});

        return this.OK(await this._service.UpdateAsync(user));

    public async DeleteAsync(@FromQuery()id : number) : Promise<ActionResult>
        let del = await this._service.GetByIdAsync(id);

            return this.NotFound();

        return this.OK(await this._service.DeleteAsync(del));

Validation decorators


Say that all arguments from model bind will be validated before injected on the controller action. This decorator must be used in the controller declaration.

export default class UserController extends ControllerBase


Determine whether a property of a class is required

@Max(max : number)

Determine the maximun value of a number property

@Min(min: number)

Determine the minimun value of a number property

@MaxLenght(max : number)

Determine the maximun number of characters of a string

@MaxLenght(min : number)

Determine the minumun number of characters of a string

@Regex(exp : RegExp)

Determine the pattern expression to validate the string property

@Rule(action : (arg : T) => boolean)

Determine the delegate used to validate the property

Sample of a complete object

import {Required, MaxLenght, MinLenght, Rule, Max, Min, Regex}  from 'web_api_base';

export default class ValidatedObject
    public MaxValue : number;

    public MinValue : number;

    public Range: number;

    public RegExp : string;

    public Required : string;

    public MaxLenght : string;

    public MinLenght : string;
    @Rule<string[]>(p => p.length > 5)    
    public Permissions : string[];

        this.MaxValue = -1;
        this.MinValue = -1;
        this.Range = -1;
        this.Required = "";
        this.MaxLenght = ""; 
        this.MinLenght = ""; 
        this.RegExp = "";
        this.Permissions = [];

Auto-generated documentation

We can create a API playground(host/playground) using the Aplication.CreateDocumentation method inside the Application.ConfigureAsync

 public override async ConfigureAsync(appConfig: IApplicationConfiguration): Promise<void>
        await this.UseControllersAsync();

        appConfig.AddScoped(SampleServiceAbstract, AnotherService);



Documentation decorators

We have some decorators to add a more information to our auto-generated documentation

@ControllerHeader(header : string)

Add a header field to a controller. All requests will have this header on it

@ActionHeader(header : string)

Add a header field to a controller´s action

@Description(description : string)

Add a description text on a action

@RequestJson(json : string)

Add a json template as a placeholder of body field. We can use if we want manually define the json, because, the framework can create the json template base on the argument type of action method

@ProducesResponse(response : { Status : number, Description? : string, JSON? : string })

Explain all the possibles rsponses of a controller´s action. We can use this decorator many times we need to explain all possible resposes

To use the default theme, run the API with --debug argument only

Alt text

To use the dark theme, run the API with --debug --dark arguments

Alt text


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




A NPM package to make web API in TS like MVC of .NET






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