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Design II

mizquierdo97 edited this page Mar 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

#Level analysis


There will be four ghosts that follow Ms. Pac-Man around the mazes, and each one has a different pattern to track her down. The power pellets displayed around the maze can make the ghosts vulnerable to being eaten and be turned into a pair of eyes, or run away from Ms. Pac-Man in the last levels, even though the time of their effectiveness reduces every time a level is cleared.


###Pink Maze

The first maze appears on the first and second rounds of the game; it contains 220 regular pellets and 4 power pellets. Two sets of tunnels can be used to travel from the left to the right side (and the other way round) of the maze. The bonus item varies depending on the level, and it will appear at the tunnel on the top-left.

The upper part of the maze has a long horizontal path that makes the level a little bit harder to get through, so it is safest to clear it after taking the power pellet so the ghosts can't trap you inside.

###Light Blue Maze

This maze will appear in the third, fourth and fifth rounds of the game. It contains twenty more regular pellets than the first one (240 in total) and the usual 4 power pellets. The two pair of tunnels are also placed at the sides of the maze, but more separate from each other regards the ones displayed previously. The bonus items will appear at the top-left tunnel just as the pink maze.

The most difficult part of the level is to avoid being trapped by the ghosts around the top-center 'T' shaped wall, in order to do that it is recommended that the ghosts are chasing Ms. Pac-Man from close behind or that the player has the power pellet in use. The sections below the bottom tunnels are also risky, so the player should proceed with caution.

###Orange Maze

This maze will be displayed for the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth rounds of the game, and it’s filled with 230 regular pellets (ten less than before) and 4 power pellets, as usual. This time is only one tunnel located at the top part of the maze, and the bonus items will appear on the left side of it.

The most dangerous section of this maze is the center at the bottom part, directly below where you begin. It is advisable to clear it out as early as possible before the ghosts can organize and trap you. The top of the maze presents the ghosts with many ways to reach you so use caution.

There is a short period of time in which the player can avoid the ghosts while staying in front of the left tunnel entrance while facing up.

###Dark Blue Maze

The fourth maze appears in the game for the tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth rounds, containing 236 regular pellets (six more than before) and the usual 4 power pellets. In this maze two sets of tunnels are displayed again at its sides and the bonus items enter from the top-left like the previous levels. The turns at the entrance to the tunnels change the usual immediate accessibility of the tunnels.

The section Ms. Pac-Man begins in is one of the most risky parts of the maze, the other difficult part is located above the ghost generator and at the top of the screen, at the long passage, where ghosts are more likely to get the player cornered.


When the thirteenth round is cleared, the display of the mazes will alternate between the Orange Maze (3rd) and the Dark Blue Maze (4th), repeating the loop every four rounds. There is a small change to take into consideration, the mazes will change their colour to purple and pink respectively and the intermissions will stop after the seventeenth round is cleared.

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