Spring based implementation of a Redis backed job queue.
RedJob is based on the ideas of Resque and Jesque, but is not compatible with them.
To build (clean/compile/test/install) the project, invoke
$ mvn clean install
To publish a release to maven central, invoke
# Create release and tag it in git:
$ mvn release:prepare
# Deploy it to maven central:
$ mvn release:perform
Setup of a basic environment for executing jobs, described in Spring XML context syntax:
<!-- Setup Redis data source. -->
<bean id="jobRedis" class="org.springframework.data.redis.connection.jedis.JedisConnectionFactory">
<property name="hostName" value="localhost" />
<property name="port" value="6379" />
<property name="database" value="0" />
<property name="timeout" value="2000" />
<!-- Configure JSON serialization. -->
<bean id="executions" class="com.s24.redjob.worker.json.ExecutionRedisSerializer" />
<!-- Search job class in classpath. -->
<bean id="typeScanner" class="com.s24.redjob.worker.json.TypeScanner"
p:basePackages="com.s24.myapp" />
<!-- Factory for creating job runners for jobs. -->
<bean id="jobRunnerFactory" class="com.s24.redjob.worker.runner.InterfaceJobRunnerFactory" />
<!-- DAO for worker states. -->
<bean id="workerDao" class="com.s24.redjob.worker.WorkerDaoImpl"
p:namespace="mynamespace" />
<!-- DAO for queues. -->
<bean id="fifoDao" class="com.s24.redjob.queue.FifoDaoImpl"
p:executions-ref="executions" />
<!-- Worker polling the queue and executing jobs. -->
<bean id="defaultWorker" class="com.s24.redjob.queue.FifoWorkerFactoryBean"
p:jobRunnerFactory-ref="jobRunnerFactory" />
<!-- Client, e.g. for adding jobs. -->
<bean id="redjobClient" class="com.s24.redjob.client.ClientFactoryBean"
p:executions-ref="executions" />
Every bean that can be serialized to JSON by Jackson can be a job. To execute a job, a job runner is required. Creating job runners is done by a JobRunnerFactory. The easiest version of a JobRunnerFactory is the InterfaceJobRunnerFactory. For this factory to work, the job runners need to implement the JobRunner interface. The factory evaluates the type parameter J used by the concrete JobRunner implementation to determine for which job the job runner is for.
Assuming you have a Spring application context configured like described above, here are some very basic classes to create a RedJob "Hello world!":
public class HelloWorld {
public String message = "Hello world!";
public class HelloWorldJobRunner implements JobRunner<HelloWorld> {
public void execute(HelloWorld helloWord) {
public class Sender {
private Client client;
public void send() {
client.enqueue("myqueue", new HelloWorld());
You need a local Redis to make the example work:
Calling the send
method on Sender
adds a HelloWorld
job to the myqueue
As long as the application context is active, the worker is polling the queue. It removes the job from the queue, gets a job runner for it from the job runner factory and starts the job runner.