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You code, your clients manage

The idea behind FrontCMS is to give you the freedom to layout a webpage anyway you like while still being able to give your client an easy way to edit the content.

There is no backend, thus the name FrontCMS. The content is completely manageable through the frontend in a true what-you-see-is-what-you-get manner. No steep learning curve for your clients!

You code the website, marking editable areas directly in the code, and FrontCMS will display the fitting editing interface for your client.

If you want to keep an eye on this project, feel free to star or watch it.

Happy coding!

Who uses FrontCMS?

This are some websites that I know of that use FrontCMS. I will try to keep this list updated.


Want to try out the editing capabilities of FrontCMS without actually installing FrontCMS? Check out this online demo.


  1. Download the newest release of FrontCMS from GitHub into the document root of your website.
  2. Configure your website in the file config.php.
  • DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD and DATABASE_NAME constants are required to connect to your MySQL database.
  • LANGUAGE constant is optional and can be used to change the language of FrontCMS. Currently, only en_us and de_de are supported.
  • ROOT_URL constant is optional and can be used if you install FrontCMS in a subdirectory of your website. All URLs will automatically be changed for you.
  • PAGE_OPTIONS constant is an array of additional page options, which can be changed per page (like keywords). Supported types are text, textarea and image. You can access these options in your layouts later.
  1. Log into your backend at as admin, using password admin. Change that default password now by clicking on the key in the top right corner!


Now you are all set to build your layouts. You basically build one layout for each different page layout you will need.

<- Header ------------>			<- Header ------------->
<- Big image --------->			<- Sidebar -> <- Text ->
<- Text -------------->			<- Footer ------------->
<- Footer ------------>

For example, this pages are build differently, so you will need two layouts, one with the sidebar and one without. The editor can later select one of the layouts for each site.

Each editable element will be represented by an editable "slot", which can be of the type plain, rich, image or plugin.

Just take a look at this example layout.

<fcms:partial partial="header" />
	<h1><fcms:edit type="plain" name="heading" /></h1>
	<fcms:edit type="image" name="lead" width="1024" height="200" crop />
	<fcms:edit type="rich" name="content" />
	<fcms:edit type="plugin" plugin="boxes" name="plugin" />
<fcms:partial partial="footer" />

Here you have every possible slot type to use in your layouts. The first and last line import partials, which are useful for reocurring content (like the header and footer). They are stored in the folder layouts/partials and use the same syntax as layouts.

The next four lines define four editable slots. Each slot has a name, by which it is saved in the database. If you use the same name more than once in a layout, the slots are automagically numbered.

###Type plain and rich

The third line makes the headline editable, the fifth line makes the content editable. These tags will be replaced with an input interface when logged in and with the entered content when not logged in. The editor can simply edit the content right there in the frontend.

Plain slots are usually just one line of content without formatting, like headlines. Rich slots are textareas with formatting options.

###Type image

The fourth line defines an image slot. Here the editor will be able to upload an image or choose one from the media library. If you specify the dimensions and add the crop attribute, the image will automatically be resized and cropped.

###Type pluguin

The sixth line includes a plugin slot. Plugins are used for everything else. Plugins are stored inside the folder lib/plugins. There is a contact form plugin which shows the basic functions of a plugin.

###Global slots

If you give one of your slots the attribute global, its content will not be saved per page, but displayed on every page. For example, if you want the footer content to be editable, but the same on every page, you can use a slot like this:

	<fcms:edit type="rich" name="footer" global />


Flexlists make working with slots much more flexible. Imagine you want the content to consist of multiple images and multipe rich text. Without flexlists, the editor could only add as many images as there are image slots in your layout. The solution is a flexlist.

With flexlists, you simply define as many slot combinations as you want, which the editor can then use as often as he needs, in whatever order he needs them.

Look at the demo layout in layouts/default.tpl:

<fcms:flexlist name="content">
	<fcms:flexitem title="Text" name="text">
		<fcms:edit type="rich" name="text" />
	<fcms:flexitem title="Text + Image (left)" name="text-image-left">
		<div class="leftFigure">
				<fcms:edit type="image" name="image" width="500" />
				<fcms:edit type="rich" name="text" />
	<fcms:flexitem title="Text + Image (right)" name="text-image-right">
		<div class="rightFigure">
				<fcms:edit type="image" name="image" width="500" />
				<fcms:edit type="rich" name="text" />

This is a flexlist. We define three different flexitems, each having a title (for the editor) and a name (for the database). The first item is simply a rich text slot. The second item is an image slot left to a rich text slot. The third item is the same, except the text slot is now on the left side.

When editing, the editor can repeatedly add one of the items to the content area and fill the items slots with content.

Flexlists are as complicated as FrontCMS will get, but they are very flexible. Just play around with them in the layout and in the editor.

###Other tags

In the two partials, there are some more tags you can (or should) use.

<fcms:title /> inserts the current page title.

{ROOT_URL} will be replaced by the ROOT_URL, which is "/" by default. Use this to make sure your urls do not break when moving FrontCMS to another folder.

You can access the defined page options using {PAGE_OPTION.key}, where key is the array key you defined for the option in config.php. So to access your keywords, use {PAGE_OPTION.keywords}.

<fcms:head /> will include header information your plugins might define, like additional css files. Similarly, <fcms:foot /> will do the same in the footer.

<fcms:body></fcms:body> should be used instead of the regular body tag, so FrontCMS can add attributes to your body. By default, the name of the used layout will be added as a class to the body tag.

<fcms:navigation /> will include the navigation. There are some options, which you can add as attributes:

Attribute Description Default
home whether to include the home page in the navigation. true
active whether to show all sub navigations (false) or only the ones of active items (true). true
all whether to show pages not included in the menu. false
start the depth at which the menu is supposed to start. 1
end the depth at which the menu is supposed to end. -1
list whether to render the items as an unordered list. Note: if the depth of the navigation is greater than one, the items will be rendered as list either way. false


After your layouts are done, you can start editing. The editing interface should be fairly intuitive, just try it.


If you want to use more complex functionality, like a contact form, you need to create a small plugin. Take a look at the demo plugins at lib/plugins/ and it's usage in the default layouts.

###Basic plugin architecture

A plugin for your website is basically an own class extending the Plugin class. The methods render and edit will be used as callbacks to render or edit the plugin.

The render method just has to return the content the plugin is to produce:

public static function render($content, $name, $attributes = array()) {
	//return $html;

$content will contain whatever data was put into the database (usually by the edit method). $name contains the name of the slot that was given to the plugin on placing it in the layout. $attributes may contain additional attributes that were set in the layout.

If you want to make the plugin editable, you have to include a button to edit the plugin only if a user is logged in.

The edit method takes the same arguments as the render method. It supplies the content for the popup in which the plugin can be edited. You can render whatever inputs your plugin needs and then handle the sent form. For example, the contactform plugin encodes all the input into one json object and stores that in the database.

Take a look at the contactform plugin for further reference.


One common use case for plugins is to let the editor enter an arbitrary number of items. The slideshow plugin is a nice example of that use case. Each slideshow can have a variable number of slides, so the available inputs have to be repeated.

The Plugin class already comes with a method called repeatable, which handles that use case for you nicely. It renders a single empty set of inputs by default, which can be repeated using the buttons right below the inputs. When the form is sent or previously stored items are available, the method automatically renders as many sets of inputs (filled with the sent or saved content) as needed. The entered items can be sorted and deleted, and new items can be added.

Take a look at the slideshow plugin to learn more about ul.repeatables and to see this working nicely together with validation and storing the items in the database.