API built in nodejs & mongodb using express, mongoose & bodyparser.
The app assumes mongodb is configured to use port number 27017
Perform the following steps:
Clone the repo locally and run
npm install
to install all dependencies. -
Run comman
node server.js
to start the socket server. Server will start on port3000
Using some tools such as cURL or REST API extensions for web browsers test the API mothods.
GET http://localhost:3000/api/request?connId=19&timeout=80
runs the request for timeout time and returns {status:"OK"}
If there is already a request with the given connId it return connId {status: "Connection Id already exists."}
If it was killed before completion, it return {status: "Process killed prematurely."}
PUT http://localhost:3000/api/kill
with payload such as {connId: 179}
Kills the request with the given id and return {status:"OK"}
If no such id exists, it return {status: "Invalid connection Id"}
GET http://localhost:3000/api/serverStatus
Returns the id and the time until timeout of all requests which have not timedout yet in the josn format as:
[{ "id": 1, "timeleft": 356 }, { "id": 4, "timeleft": 375 }]