Creating a small instagram using PHP and MySQL
Objective of this project is to create a complete website like instagram,sharing pictures with other users
My Camagru project handles:
- DB creation script
- User creation and authentication using session
- Pictures upload and default profile picture
- Complete user profile page with gender, bio, location, interests details...
- User profile edition (password, details)
- Capture Images using camera
- Manipulate image adding to it emoji with possibility to move emoji around image
- Email notifications for authentication and password reset (with auth key)
- Profile, pictures deletion and user DB cleanup
- Responsive design from mobile to desktop
- Password hashing
- HTML/Javascript/SQL injections prevention
Linux installation
Mac installation
Windows installation
- config/msmtprc file contain mail sender info(you could change this)
auth on
tls on
logfile /var/log/msmtp.log
dsn_notify off
dsn_return off
account gmail
port 587
from <email>
user <email>
password <password>
protocol smtp
account default : gmail
#inside folder of camagru
docker-compose up -d #-d to run it on background
after images installed you're good to start website using your ip address, because we're using http instead of https camera won't work to fix this issue browse chrome://flags/#unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure enable it and add your ip address to the field and relaunch the browser