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Code FAQ

Arnol Fontalvo edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 20 revisions



  • Why minitest/fixtures instead of rspec/factorybot?
  • What is the testing strategy for frontend code?


What is the overall structure of the platform

Database ERD erd erd.pdf

What is the purpose of react on rails

Rails has an assets pipeline, it was simple and handled basic things.

When people started using webpack and other code bundling tools, it was an issue working on Rails applications that handle front-end logic with tools like react, vue or angular because of the way those projects defined dependencies.

Now, you are able to have the rails assets pipeline "understand" those dependencies and build appropriately the js that is served in the web application.

It takes some time to get used to, but newer versions of rails comes with this in place by default. So it should get easier, and easier with time to get used to it. - Arnol

How do we use Action Cable

How do we use resque and background jobs in general

What work is Roar doing

The app's data model is heavily dependent on Action Network's API. Any gotchas there