Emotional manager
Simple answer to a complex question (f.e what the reason for corruption)
Applying solution from not matching context, assuming it’s the same context of problem
Put last thing first
Confusing cause and effect
Availability heuristics
Correlation is causation
Sequence as causation
Collection of facts instead of understanding
Comparison without reference point
Universal hummer or magic button
Poor toolkit
Repeating instead of finding new arguments or explaining them
Insulting instead of finding new arguments or explaining them
Generating new topics instead of finding new arguments or explaining them
Frequently Interrupting explanation
Putting one’s words into other’s mouth
The best defence is a good offence
Nit picking about unimportant things
Arguments with wrong base assumptions (which are treated as obvious)
Too abstract to be useful
Analysis paralysis
False dichotomy (If not A then B, but who said it’s only A and B)
Secret knowledge (I can’t say secret details but let’s rely on them )