This program solves freecell solitaire puzzles using four algorithms:
- Depth first search [1]
- Breadth first search [2]
- Best first search [3]
- A* [4]
Puzzles are read from an input file, while solution is written to an output file.
Max card number per stack is defined in the first line of the input file.
Three input files have been provided to play with.
Note: Breadth first search will result in OOM for max card number > 4.
This is due to algorithms nature, not implementation.
% make
To use a different method:
% make METHOD={method}
To use a different input file:
% make FILE={input_file}
To configure output file name:
% make OUTPUT={output_file}
% gcc -o project_freecell project_freecell.c
% ./project_freecell {method} {input_file} {output_file}
❯ make
gcc -o project_freecell project_freecell.c
./project_freecell depth test_file_size_5.txt output.txt
Building puzzle with N: 5
Solving test_file_size_5.txt using depth...
Solution found! (30 steps)
Time spent: 0.001146 secs