- model
- view
- controller
public // css,js & static files
- index.php // bootstrap
inc // Libraries & third parties
config.php // configuration file
database.php //database config
unzip & cd to unzipped folder
cd to public folder & then
- $ php -S localhost:8000
- $ ./ start localhost:8000
- $ ./ stop
- $ ./ restart
- $ ./ status
- model filename ends with _model
- model classname must be same as filename
- models can be called statically anywhere
app/model/user_model.php : class user_model { function exists($user_id){ $result = db::get()->select('name from user where id=:id',['id'=>$user_id]); return $result?true:false } } app/ctrl/test_controller.php: <?php class test_controller { function model(){ $user_exists =user_model::exists(); $user_exists && die("user doesn't exits") } ?>
Filename ends with _controller
Classname must be same as filename
It can be call statically a controller method into another contoller
app/ctrl/home_controllers.php : <?php class home_controller { function index(){ test_controller::view(); } ?> app/ctrl/test_controller.php : class test_controller { function view(){ res::write('hello world'); } }
Each method in controller class is as a route
url : /method/[param1][/param2][/....]
Dont use any namespace in controllers
- if you make a route in route.php . it override controller method
- route.php style:
$routes=[ # "METHOD PATH"=>['controller@method',['regx_arg1','regx_arg2',...]] 'home/overrided '=> ['test@override'], 'test/prmtst'=> ['test@paramtest',['\d+','\d*']], 'POST test/post'=> ['test@post'], ... ];
views must be stored in app/view . you can change this path on config.php
inhertiance & block based
use simple res::render(tpl,data)
tpl as html file with simple using variable passed like this:
app/view/test.html : <html> <body> <span>hello {$var}</span> </body> </html>
app/ctrl/test_controller.php: class test_controller { function view(){ res::render('test.html',['name'=>'world']); } }
Modifires : Modifiers are functions that modify the output variable in various ways. All modifiers must be preceded by a variable and can be chained with other modifiers. Example:
List of modifiers:
Name Description upper() Uppercase lower() Lowercase capitalize() Capitalize words (ucwords) abs() Absolute value truncate(len) Truncate and add "..." if string is larger than "len" count() Alias to count() length() alias to count() date(format) Format date like date(format) nl2br() Alias to nl2br stripSlashes() Alias to stripSlashes() sum(value) Sums value to the current variable substract(value) Substracts value to the current variable multiply(value) Multiply values divide(value) Divide values addSlashes() Alias of addSlashes() encodeTags() Encode the htmls tags inside the variable decodeTags() Decode the tags inside the variable stripTags() Alias of strip_tags() urldecode() Alias of urldecode() trim() Alias of trim() sha1() Returns the sha1() of the variable numberFormat(decimals) Alias of number_format() lastIndex() Returns the last array's index of the variable lastValue() Returns the array's last element jsonEncode() Alias of json_encode() replace(find,replace) Alias of str_replace() default(value) In case variable is empty, assign it value ifEmpty(value [,else_value]) If variable is empty assign it value, else if else_value is set, set it to else_value if(value, then_value [,else_value [,comparisson_operator]] ) Conditionally set the variable's value. All arguments can be variables preventTagEncode() If ESCAPE_TAGS_IN_VARS = true, this prevents the variable's value to be encoded -
Include : you can include a template inside another template
{include footer.html}
fetch external page
{include} -
If / else :
{if $user.role eq "admin"} <h1>Hello admin</h1> {elseif $user.role.upper() eq "MEMBER" } <h1>Hello member</h1> {else} <h1>Hello guest</h1> {endif}
You can use regular logic operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, ||, &&) or you can use the following
Operator Equivalent eq == neq != gt > lt < gte >= lte <= -
Loops :
<ul> {loop $i,$user in $users} <li>{i} - {$}</h1> {endloop} </ul>
Template inheritance : it supports single template inheritance. The idea behind this is to keep things nice and simple. Multiple inheritance can lead to complicated views difficult to maintain template inheritance is based on blocks.
<html> <head> <title>Hi</title> </head> <body> <section tn-block="header"> <h1>Default welcome message!</h1> </section> <section> <div tn-block="content"> <p>This is the default content.</p> </div> </section> <section tn-block="footer">Goog bye</section> </body>
{ extends base.html } <section tn-block="header" class="myheader"> <h1>Welcome to my inner page!</h1> </section> <p>This content WON´T be rendered at all!</p> <div tn-block="content"> <p>This is the content of my inner view. </div>
As a result we will have the following view:
<html> <head> <title>Hi</title> </head> <body> <section class="myheader"> <h1>Welcome to my inner page!</h1> </section> <section> <div> <p>This is the content of my inner view. </div> </section> <section>Goog bye</section> </body>
you can simple access to database via db::get([defined_name in database.php]) in the following use simple methods: select , insert, update, delete
$result = db::get()->select("name from tbl limit 10");
or using read_db variable group defined in database.php
if it not set, it uses default_db group in database.config
/* select query from read_db group */
$result = db::get(read_db)->select("name from tbl limit 10");
//use default_db group
//use write_db group
//for db library methods goes to API refrences
$user = nosql::getstore('user');
$news = nosql::getstore('news');
$userData = $user->updateOrInsert([
$articleData = [
"title" => "title ...",
"about" => "about me",
"author" => [
"avatar" => "mypic.jpg",
"name" => "aghae"
"user"=> $userData->_id
$result = $q
// ->select(["user","title"])
->disableCache() //or
// ->useCache(60) // lifetime in seconds or null(regenerated on every update, delete and insert)
// ->where([
// ['user','=',1],
// 'OR',
// ['user','=',2],
// ])
->join(function($article) use($user){
return $article['user']?$user->findById($article['user']):[];
// ->having(["user","=",2])
// ->groupBy(["user"],"total",true)
For documentation goto sleekdb documents
As well as calling an applications Controllers via the URL in a browser they can also be loaded via the command-line interface (CLI). Goto public folder and use like this:
public> php index.php controller/method/arg1/arg2/...
All methods be called statically like :
res::json(['id' => 1232]);
- get($key='')
- post($key='')
- raw_post()
- is_ajax()
- ip()
- dump($data)
- write($formated_str,$params=[])
- json($data)
- render($tpl,$data,$layout=null)
- id()
- set($name,$value)
- get($name='')
- unset($name)
- set($name,$value,$options=[])
- get($name='')
- unset($name,$options=[])
- get($group = false)
group name that introduced in database.php
- raw($sql)
- select($sql, $named_params = array())
- insert($table, $data)
- update($table, $data, $where)
- delete($table, $where, $limit = 1)
- truncate($table)
- curl($url, $curl_options=[])
- resize($src,$dest,$width,$height=null,$to='file')
$to: file or screen
- capcha($sess_name='capcha')
you can get capcha text with=> sess::get('capcha')
- make($total, $perPage, $current, $urlPattern)
$urlPattern like this : '/test/pager/(:num)'; $totalItems = 1000; $itemsPerPage = 50; $currentPage = $num; $urlPattern = '/test/pager/(:num)'; $paginator = pagin::make($totalItems, $itemsPerPage, $currentPage, $urlPattern); $paginator->setMaxPagesToShow(5); res::json( $paginator->getPages()); // $paginator->toHtml(); # render html
email($to, $subject,$message,$options=[])
/* for example for send via google smtp server you can set $option in config.php but it can be overrided some items like this : */ $options=[ 'SMTP_HOST' =>'', 'SMTP_USER' =>'', 'SMTP_PASS' =>'you gmail account pass', 'SMTP_PORT' => 587, 'SMTP_SECURE' =>'tls', #tls or ssl 'MAIL_FROM' =>'info@my.fake', 'MAIL_FROM_NAME'=>,'mr nobody' ] ; $status=send::email('','hi','hello <b>World<b>'$options); if($status) res::write('succesfully sent.'); else res::write('somthing is wrong');
- encrypt($string,$secret_key = CRYPT_KEY,$secret_iv = CRYPT_IV)
- decrypt($string)
// CRYPT_KEY, CRYPT_IV defined in config.php $crytpted = crypt::encrypt('hello world') ; $decrtpted = crypt::decrypt($crytpted) ;
- not_buffered($name,$cache_time)
- buffer($name)
///result will cached for 60 seconds if (cache::not_buffered('cachekey',60)){ $result = db::get()->select("name from tbl limit 10"); res::dump($result); cache::buffer('cachekey'); }
- slugify($string, $separator = '-', $css_mode = false)
- get_current_url()
- linkify($text)
Turns all of the links in a string into HTML links
- random_string($length = 16, $human_friendly = true, $include_symbols = false, $no_duplicate_chars = false)
- force_download($filename, $content = false)
- get_file_ext($filename)
- ...
for view full util functions documentation goto
- Tonic : Ligtweight templating engine
- utilphp : is a collection of useful functions and snippets that you need or could use every day
Good luck ;)