If you just want to run it on localhost, There is a ExampleMain
class which starts a client and server on localhost. If you are running through intellij, then make sure you add a vm argument by clicking "edit configuration" for log4j config file path (edit the path appropriately)
First compile the code
mvn package
Copy all the jars to a remote locations (both client and server machines)
scp -r target/dependency-jars/
Run the server (on the server machine)
sharath.g@stage-fdpingestion-none-1060693:~/sharpc$ java -cp '/home/sharath.g/sharpc/:/home/sharath.g/sharpc/*' sha.example.ExampleServer 19838
started listening on port 19838
On the client machine:
[sharath.g@stage-fdpingestion-none-1064365 /home/sharath.g]$ /usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.8-oracle/jre/bin/java -cp '/home/sharath.g/sharpc/:/home/sharath.g/sharpc/*' sha.example.ExampleClient 19838
client finished connect
req_per_sec: 3,660,046 total_requests:7,320,611
req_per_sec: 4,481,395 total_requests:16,324,212
req_per_sec: 4,598,689 total_requests:25,523,818
req_per_sec: 4,684,805 total_requests:34,894,995
req_per_sec: 4,641,582 total_requests:44,179,862