This Rails plugin for MongoMapper allows you to easily translate your documents in multiple languages.
Once the plugin is installed, edit your config/environment.rb file to define your locales :
config.i18n.default_locale = :fr LANGS = [:fr, :nl, :en]
Then in your model, you have to include the MongoTranslation module and define the keys you want to translate :
class Article include MongoMapper::Document include MongoTranslation key :author, String key :title, String key :content, String translates :title, :content end
The translates method will generate a ArticleTranslation model (EmbeddedDocument) with the required keys.
A call to article.title will load the title depending on the current locale :
article = Article.create(:author => 'antho', :title => 'test', :content => 'content') translations = { 'nl' => { 'title' => 'testNL', 'content' => 'contentNL' }, 'en' => { 'title' => 'testEN', 'content' => 'contentEN' } } article.create_or_update_translations(translations) # I18n.locale = :fr == default locale article.title # => 'test' # I18n.locale = :nl article.title # => 'testNL' # Specify the locale you want article.title(:en) => 'testEN'
create_or_update_translations is just a helper offered by the plugin, but you can manipulate your translations manually :
article.article_translations << => 'testNL', :content => 'contentNL') article.article_translations << => 'testEN', :content => 'contentEN')
Copyright © 2009 Anthony Heukmes, released under the MIT license