- This project is copy of CYF-tv-shows-project that we did previously in
. - This project uses react Hooks.
- CYF: code your future is a code teaching school based in London, visit CYF website
- Dtat Source: TV maze API
Raise an issue here: https://github.com/ahmad-ali14/tv-shows-react-hooks
- Fully PWA App.
- Single page application.
- Responsive (not 100% but suitable for phones)
- choose a show from the show drop menu or by it's link.
- get the episodes for a selected show.
- choose an episode to see it's data.
- sort shows by:
- Name A-z
- Name Z-A
- Rating (+)
- Rating (-)
- sort Episodes by:
- Name A-Z
- Name Z-A
- Search All shows.
- sort selected shows.
- search Episodes
- sort selected Episodes
- the principles of state.
- single page applications principales.
- passing state, functions as props.
- maintain single source of truth for the whole App.
- truth flows in 2 directions.
- this is a bit intermediate code, there is a simpler code available.
- Better to use this code as reference after you grasp the simpler code.