A web based system designed for schools to facilitate the educational process. It eases now to make online quizzes and submit homework on the site. Discussions are open to encourage the students to interact and understand the subjects well. There are 4 types of users in the app. school staff, Teachers, Students and parents.
- Front-end: AngularJs
- Back-end: Spring Boot, Java
- DataBase: MySQL
- Users login into the system via ID and password.
- Users see their profile.
- School staff add students, teachers, and other school staff to the system.
- School staff assign teachers and students to courses.
- Teachers and students can view their timetables.
- A teacher can add a post, or an assignment to a specific class.
- A student can add post or question to a specific course or submit a solution for an assignment.
- Auto grading for the quizzes.
- Teachers and students can add comments on all types of posts.
- Parents can see the fees of their children.