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For building and running the application you need:

JDK 17 Maven 4

how to build application

checkout source code :

run command run command mvn clean install

open a terminal or command prompt and type the following java command :java -jar target/automatic-irrigation-system-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Alternatively  you can execute the main method in the com.bankmisr.AutomaticIrrigationSystemApplication class from your IDE.

Alternatively you can use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so: mvn spring-boot:run

project structure :

Front-end layer represented by the Rest controllers under package com.bankmisr.controller and any utility supporting rest controller

Business layer (service layer) and schedulers for the business logic of the application under package com.bankmisr.service

Data layer the spring data repository under package com.bankmisr.repository

data source : H2 in-memory database

project is initiated with mockup data for testing purposes
	com/bankmisr/data/dataseed/ will run at server initialization to 
	seed the data for basic use cases

Assumption based on our provided a document

each plot has a sensor that shall be simulated by an availability flag in the database
irrigation cycle will run every 5 minute (for testing purposes)
irrigation rates can be minimum every 5 minutes

Data Model

Alt text

Application Features

allow user to list all crops available in the system

allow user to get crop details by crop id

allow user to list all plots in the system

allow user get plot details by plot id

add new plot with plot information and plot configurations

edit plot details and plot configurations

system will check every 5 minutes to execute irrigation transactions that should happen now or in the last 5 minutes by calling plot sensor interface
			if sensor available --> 
				irrigation will be executed --> 
							irrigation status will be updated to success
							next irrigation date will be updated
							last irrigation date will be updated
			if sensor not available --> 
				irrigation will not be executed -->
							irrigation status will be updated to failed
							irrigation trials will be incremented by one

system will run every minute to execute Failed irrigation transactions that has number of trials less than 3 by calling sensor interface
			if sensor available --> 
				irrigation will be executed --> 
							irrigation status will be updated to success
							irrigation trials will be resetted
							next irrigation date will be updated
							last irrigation date will be updated
			if sensor not available --> 
				irrigation will not be executed -->
							irrigation status will be updated to failed
							irrigation trials will be incremented by one
							new alert with plot and transaction details will be created

Use Cases

test Case 1

	--> plot with area 70 m2 is planted with tomatos which has irrigation rate 5 minutes and water amount 100 Liter per m2
	--> sensor is available 
	--> plot will be picked by IrrigationTransactionScheduler and will have 
		a new successful irrigation transaction every 5 minutes with water amount 7000 Liter

test Case 2

	--> plot with area 80 m2 is planted with SugarCane which has irrigation rate 5 minutes and water amount 500 Liter per m2
	--> sensor is not available 
	--> plot will be picked by IrrigationTransactionScheduler and irrigation transaction will be failed for 1 trial
	--> irrigation transaction will be picked FailedIrrigationTransactionScheduler
	--> after two trials , new alert will triggered for this failed transaction

test Case 3

	--> plot with area 60 m2 is planted with wheat which has irrigation rate 10 minutes and water amount 300 Liter per m2
	--> last transaction failed with two trials 
	--> sensor is now available 
	--> irrigation transaction will be picked FailedIrrigationTransactionScheduler
	--> irrigation transaction will success and all required updates will take place 
	--> plot will be picked normally by IrrigationTransactionScheduler after that
	--> a new successful irrigation transaction every 10 minutes with water amount 18000 Liter


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