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Verilog FPGA template repository

Template repository for Lattice® FPGA projects

You should obtain a Lattice Diamond license to build projects with this template

see for further informations

The directory tree contains the source/ directory where the modules should be added.

The top modules are into the boards/ directory, all pins should be inout into the top module.


To build a bitstream you should run make targeting the top module filename (without the .v extension)

make template

Programming parts

To program a part you should install liburjtag-dev and install the program_jtag utility:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake liburjtag-dev
mkdir tools/source/build
pushd tools/source/build
sudo make install

Then program the part by running make:

make template_program

Parts supported

There is a single part included into the template:


The development board can be purchased online and found by googling LCMXO3LF-6900C-S-EVN

Environment Variables

These environment variables can be set before calling make:

CHIP The FPGA chip

SIZE The FPGA size variant

FOOTPRINT The FPGA footprint

TECH The FPGA Family

BOARD The board to program

PROG_TARGETS The programming targets

PROG_FREQ The programmer frequency

PROGRAMMER the programmer to use