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🈴 kanjithing

🤷 A google chrome extension for practising kanji

You can practise drawing kanji featured in the Wakatta units. It also has other useful information like character readings and example words.

Install on the google chrome webstore

⚙️ Installation

The extension is available in the google chrome store, though it can be installed from source with the following instructions

  1. git clone
  2. Navigate to chrome://extensions
  3. Ensure that the Developer mode switch is enabled in the top right of your screen
  4. Click Load unpacked in the top left corner of the screen
  5. Select the folder containing the extension in the popup modal

♻️ Update

Google chrome will automatically update the extension as I publish new updates if you install from the chrome store. If installing from this repository, run git pull origin main, then go back to chrome://extensions and press the refresh icon next to the extension to reload.

I'm using a custom GitHub action to automatically publish new versions of the extension to the chrome store every time I change the version parameter in the manifest.json file.

📸 Program screenshots

📝 Future features

  • Able to star/favourite kanji to add them quickly to a custom set.
  • Make the user guess readings of kanji in words
  • Flashcard thing where you get the meaning of the kanji and sample words and have to draw it
  • Custom flashcards to remember kanji/words
    • Import from quizlet
  • Show an extra sample word when the readings string doesn't cross over to the next line
    • Compress space between two lines if it crosses over
  • Grade stroke order of drawing
  • Grey loading screen should only appear after a certain amount of time to account for cached requests that resolve quickly
    • To prevent grey/white flashes that occur when the next character loads quickly
  • Right click to remove drawing (all connected strokes)
  • Add tooltip banner when extension updates
    • Potentially as a small subtext badge?
  • Use static assets for the emojis to keep design consistent between operating systems
  • Event listener on the popup script to determine when the set storage has changed
  • Use data from the KanjiAlive API to do pronuncation/sounds
  • Make CSS for buttons/inputs be consistent throughout the popup/settings/index pages
  • Fix overlap interaction with especially long word descriptions (同 kanji)
  • Use a RapidAPI key in the application to fetch data (Replit downtime)
  • Display notice if character data not available