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AIMS PHP & JS Exercise

Please, create the following:

Backend API

Non-functional requirements

  • Use Laravel or Symfony.
  • Use PHP 7.1 or higher.
  • You can use any publicly available vendor packages as long as they can be installed through composer.
  • Use a relational database to store the model data (preferably MySQL or PgSQL).


Create a model that can hold the following data:

  • title (string, required)
  • duration (integer)
  • artists (array of strings)
  • release date (DateTime)
  • valid (boolean)
  • title (string, required)
  • country (pick suitable data type)

Implement a 1:N relationship between Publisher and Track. There will be a tracks attribute available for Publisher and a publisher attribute available for Track.

Implement a validation constraint that sets the attribute valid to true if all other attributes are filled (i.e. duration, artists, and release date are not null).

Console command

Create a console command for importing Tracks into the database. The command takes two arguments:

  • publisher (can be Publisher's title, id or CLI selection helper - pick one; only existing Publisher can be specified),
  • file (path to the local file to import).

For the structure of the file see backend/tests/samples/metadata.csv.

The command imports the Tracks from the file to the database with the respective publisher relationship.

Create some Publishers to test the command (either manually, through migration, or data fixtures).

API endpoints

Create two endpoints for the following operations. Decide the naming and structure of request/response yourself concerning the Frontend App.

  • List Tracks (includes all attributes, including related Publisher's title).
  • Delete single Track.

Frontend app

Non-functional requirements

  • Use React.js (you can use any existing boilerplate (e.g. create-react-app) or framework (e.g. Next.js)).
  • You can use some state management tool (e.g. Redux), but this is not required.
  • You can use any publicly available vendor packages as long as they can be installed through NPM (or Yarn).
  • Don't care much about the visual of the app. It will not be taken into account when evaluating the solution.
  • Don't care about authentication.


Implement the following screens/pages of the application:

List of Tracks
  • shows all tracks (all attributes) with pagination (can be both paged or virtual),
  • allows filtering Tracks by name,
  • shows action (e.g. button) to display the Detail of a Track (see below),
  • shows action (e.g. button) to delete a Track,
  • again, you can use any vendor package to make this done.
Detail of a Track
  • shows all attributes of a specified track,
  • shows action (e.g. button) to delete the Track.


Please document how to run both parts of the exercise in a README file. Nothing fancy is required; a simple list of commands necessary to run the app will do.


An assignment with specific PHP and JS tasks.






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