A Golang implementation of Sass.
This is a project for learning AST
syntax analysis tree. It is not recommended to use it in production for the time
being. The project is not stable enough
go install github.com/aimuz/go-sass/cmd/sass@latest
If you are a golang user, you can install it globally through go get, which only provides cli usage
go get github.com/aimuz/go-sass/sass
If you want to import the library, just go get
in your project
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(sass.Compile("input.scss", nil))
fmt.Println(sass.CompileString("h1 {font-size: 40px}", nil))
We compile the core library into wasm, and then provide the NTP package through typescript wrapper
npm -i go-sass
Provides the same API as dart sass
brew install go-sass
- CSS Parser
- SCSS Parser
- SASS Parser
- WASM - NPM Package
- tinygo
- Built in functions
- xxx
- ...
- Compress
- Minimum color value
- Thanks,csstree Provide ast reference